Friday, September 28, 2012

Marney: Weekly Blog Post

Big, Floppy, Blue Thingy
By Marney
     I was walking with mommy on the street, then she ran and screamed. I looked back to see what she was running from and I saw a big, fat, blue fish right in front of my eyes.  The fish was stuck in the side of a building.  Then I went up to the building and tried to jump to the fish.  But I could not reach it and I was worried because I could not see mommy anywhere.  All I saw was tons of police cars coming up and the police were running to the building.  I think they wanted to touch the fish too.  Then I went to go find mommy.
    When I got home I saw mommy watching some weird channel called News Channel.  I went and sat down with her and on the weird channel there was the big, blue fish.  I told mommy all about it and how the police wanted to touch it too but they told me that I was not allowed to.  Then mommy started to laugh.  Then I had to take a nap but I could not because I wanted to watch the big fish.
      Then mommy said that I could get up and when I did the ground started to shake and the building was getting knocked down by the fishy.  So we ran outside right next to the ocean.  Then we got in a boat and mommy tried to sail away.  Then I told mommy that we did not have to leave the big city, we could live in the boat until we have a house.
    Then the building fell down and I got a piece of glass in my eye so we had to leave the boat and we went to the doctor and she pulled it out.  Then we got a new home somewhere else in the city and we lived there forever.  Until my mommy died two days after the fish did.  Then a big building fell on me too and now I am dead.  


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