Thursday, September 13, 2012

Marney: First Day Of School

My first day of school was so much fun.  We went there early so that mom could set up for her teaching.  Before we started school I met a girl called Amelia and she was nine just like me.  We got along great, we are a lot alike.   I was so happy because I got to see my old friends.  The first class of the day was science.  It was fun because we got to smell things and guess what they were.  Then we did English it was fun because we read poems, which is my favorite thing in English that we do.  There was one poem that said the rabbit was humping higher and higher, as in jumping. Then we had gym, in gym we played a few games inside and then we wanted to go play capture the flag outside in the field.  So we went outside to play and when we were about done with the game we got stickers up and down our legs.  So we spent half our gym time in the heat getting stickers out.  Then we had art, my favorite class of the day.  Our teacher was very nice and was great at drawing.  We drew a box that was hairy and had a dog on a tube inside the box with a pattern on the box and a curvy line going through the box.   Then we went to invent and engineering.  It was boring the first day because we had to talk about rules and stuff but part of it was fun because we learned what the first tools were. Then we had strategy games and my mom was the teacher.  We learned what games the cave men played on the walls of a cave.  Then we played the games.  There were three games and they were dots and boxes, gomuko,  pipes,  My favorite one was gomuko because it was like a bigger version of  tic tac toe. 


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