Sunday, September 23, 2012

Kiki: Weekly Blog #1

Nerd Battle
by Kiki
One day two nerds were playing video games and they found a wand.   Then they decided to play evil vs. good wizard.  They played it in the abandoned forest, they had costumes and both had wands.  They went to a castle in the abandoned forest in New York in the USA.   They did not know someone lived there and when they saw somone they thought that it was one of there friends, until they saw a dragon.   They ran and ran but then they ran into a giant evil bear named Ted.  They kicked the bear and stole his sword then they went back to kill the dragon.  But the dragon turned into a big fly with ten eyes and they killed the fly.  But then they stepped in a trap they dropped the sword but they could untie it.  They ran out of the castle and never went back

The End


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