Sunday, September 23, 2012

Marney: Weekly Blog Post 1

The Girl and her Tricky Wizard
By Marney Reese Jones 
     People were staring, including two girls named Jenny and Pasta.  The were the popular ones in school.  So let us get back on track, they were all staring at a monster.  They wanted to name it but they could not, it was called the Jack Rabbit Book.  They all had to read it for the class.  Then the day was over and they all went home.
     Jenny went home but Pasta saw a party list on the side of the road.  It was twisting and turning until someone stomped on it and did not even notice.  She looked up to see who it was,  no one knew but they thought he was new there.  It was weird Jenny's boyfriend was talking to him.  Pasta asked him
"Who is this?"
     "I do not know but he is interesting." They started walking again and the list went back far behind them.  Then Pasta ran after it when she got to it, it said:
    This is from Tiger    
Sign up here for costume party
 Pasta Jastavent  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^              
Then Pasta put her name on it 
     Then they got to the party and there was a person dressed up in a wizard costume just like Pasta.  So they used their magic wands,  but they did not seem to work so they put batteries in them then had a wizard fight.  Pasta was about to kill him when he used his wand to heal.  But then they both wished there were dragons and had a dragon fight with wizards riding the dragons fighting each other.  Then Pasta just wanted to be friends so they made the dragons be gone with their heads.  And they stopped fighting Then when they hugged and made up Pasta pulled out her wand and killed the guy.  That is how wizards became tricky.  
The End 


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