Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Connor: Joan's Academy.

      Biology is my first class at Joan's this semester.  The teacher is the same one that taught chemistry last semester.  So far we are learning the basics of biology, as with any first day of school.  The homework for this class is reading, vocabulary, and research.
      My next class is geography with a teacher who has traveled around the world.  In this class we are learning about latitude and longitude and naming the countries, continents, oceans, Equator, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.  We also talk about the cultures of each country, although not in this first lesson.  This class requires us to label the European map and the world map.  It also requires some vocabulary, albeit really basic vocabulary.
     Third is English with the same teacher.  We are covering American literature, so far just Mark Twain and Poe.  The class involves slightly more complex vocabulary words than the geography class.  We talked about the life of Mark Twain and read about books he wrote.  We also talked about the tragic life of Edgar Allen Poe and how it inspired his poems and stories.  We also got onto the topic of the strange people leaving flowers at his grave up until last year.
Fourth is nutrition which is tedious, but interesting at the same time.  We learned about the weight that is considered perfect for people of different ages and heights.  We also learned that when most people say calories they mean kilo-calories.  Or in other words 1 calorie from the standpoint of a regular person is 1000 calories in actuality.
   Next was drama which was fun.  We played several types of improv games and the rules to the games didn't matter as long as we had fun.  The games were really odd and I didn't know them until we had gone through one round.  Drama had no homework and probably won't have any until around December or something.
   Finally there was film, which was great.  In film we watched old comedy shows and routines that were mostly following classic comedy.  We watched the Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello, Monty Python, Mr. Bean, and a Saturday Night Live skit.  We also came up with a few ideas for the film project and our homework is to write two skits.


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