Friday, September 28, 2012

Gabe: Blog of the Week 1

Big Fish
By Gabe
     I am just a normal  three year old boy with normal friends.  I love my house and I love my 7 year old brother.  But what I really want is to go to my friend's birthday tomorrow.  It is bed time, noooo!  I hate bed time.
     Yeah, it is the next day...yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, YEAH!!  We are now in the car on the way to the party.  I just saw a weird, big fish statue going through the corner of a building.
     The party was awesome and I loved it.  We are now on our way back from the party. There is a big fish hopping around town and has destroyed the road.
     We got out of the car and started to run.  We could not run very far because everything was destroyed. We stopped and went in a building to hide.  The big fish hopped into the building and picked up my mommy in it's mouth and took her away.  I ran to go get her but it went to go hide somewhere.
      I tried and tried to find her but I could not find her.  I finally  found the fish and killed it and got my mommy back.  Then I ate the really big fish for dinner with the mayor.  Then I went home and went to sleep. When I woke up I thought about that great night.


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