Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Avery: Show and Tell

       For my show and tell I would like to tell you about my yoga!  I haven't posted about it in a long time, so here you go.  I teach three classes a week, one is at the Burnet Library on Tuesdays before story time. The next one is at the Montessori school in Marble falls on Thurdays at 10:30.  And the last one is at the Burnet Hill Country Fellowship Christian Academy on Fridays at 11:30.  In October I will stop teaching at the Montessori school.  It's a lot of work (and they are a hard class to teach).  It will also give me more time to finish my school.  But some of them do a really good job too.  There are a few shy children that will watch the class and not do it, but that's okay.  Here is a picture of our classes:

My most favorite class to teach is the kids at the Hill Country Fellowship Christian Academy.  I have a class of 30 or more kids and they all do an amazing job at their yoga.  All of them pay attention and do the poses very well.  After class the kids will sometimes show me poses that they made up by themselves. Here is picture from that class.

Like always I love teaching at the Burnet Library.  They love to have me there and enjoy watching me teach the kids.  Max, Jack and (sometimes) Kiki will come with me so that can work on their yoga skills too.  I don't have a lot of people coming before story time right now.  But the number of kids might build up.  There are 2 girls that come almost every week.  One of them is really focused during the class. Here is a picture from last week's class.

Every week there is a theme to the yoga that matches the Storytime books.  I use that theme for all of my classes (it's much more organized and easier).  Last week's theme was bears.  This week's theme is Ducks! I am going to be teaching at the library today.  And I will post pictures from it on my Facebook page.  http://www.facebook.com/wigglewormsyoga


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