Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Connor: Weekly Blog #1

      I was sitting in my room with a picture book.  Before I knew it a fish came flying in and broke through the wall.  The fish was gigantic and looked mean.  It made a noise that I couldn't understand and soon I was running down stairs to avoid it.  I tried telling my dad about the giant fish, but he didn't believe me.  I ran through the house screaming about the fish and the adults kept saying I had a good imagination.
     I was shocked to see that there was a fish in every house.  I looked at the giant fishes and was freaked out.  The fish seemed to be staring at me, gazing into my soul.  It made the same noise again and I ran to the preschool.  In the preschool I saw my friends, and a giant fish.  I told the teachers about the fish and they treated me like I was crazy.
   I stood in fear, unable to move.  The fish seemed to be grinning evilly and making a splashing noise.  The fish seemed to be moving closer.  Its eyes were glowing red and the inside of its mouth was orange.  I looked for a path towards escape, but found none.  The fish's body was now a shade of crimson, its eyes changed to yellow, and the inside of its mouth was blue.
   The giant, odd colored fish inched closer.  As it moved closer I moved back one step at a time.  The fish opened its mouth and showed me its grey teeth.  I backed away, until my back hit the wall.  I looked at the ugly fish and frowned.  Suddenly I woke up it was all a dream, then I saw it.  Outside my bedroom window was an evil looking fish.


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