Friday, September 14, 2012

Avery- Joan's Academy

       My first day of Joans went well.  My first class was Geography with Mrs. Kraft.  Or teacher told us some stories from her travels.  She got lost at some points but in our class we like to call it exploring or adventuring.  The biggest rule in our class (I love this rule), is not to use the word boring.  It's not a fun word.  Also in class we looked though our maps and looked at some vocabulary words.  I had to write them down on flash cards, which helps a lot!  I liked that class, I think later we will do some more mapping during class.  At this moment we are focusing on Europe.
       My next class was Earth Science with Mrs. Carder.  To be honest it was a little bit boring at the beginning, but then we got to do a little experiment.  There were a ton of little plastic containers with all sorts of different liquids in them.  We had to make teams, I teamed up with my friends Kalli and Elise of course.  We picked to different containers labeled B and F.  We had to smell, shake, and look at them and try and guess what they were.  We guessed they were vinegar because they were clear and smelled very strong just like vinegar.  We tested them out on baking soda and it got very fizzy.  Mrs. Carder told us they were both vinegar and that we had guessed right.  Next class we are going talk about making crystal labs and then make one at home as our homework (I can post some photos when we make it).
       Next was English class with Brett Reeves.  Sadly, at the beginning the guys got Brett to talk about Minecraft for the first 12 minutes of class.  He said that it helps kids with their imagination because they can build and create anything they could think of.  I thought it was funny, the guys that play Minecraft 24/7 were super serious about all of it.  Then we read this story about an electric chair kind of thing (it was a made up thing, no worries).  One person would be in a room with the controls to the electric chair, and there would be a random person sitting in the electric chair (knowing what's going on).  The person with the controls would ask the person in the chair a question, if they answered it wrong then they would be shocked, and every time they get an other question wrong they would make the shock longer and stronger.  It was depending on the person with the controls.  Some people would only shock people half the amount they could shock them and other people, who must be insane, would put it into full shock.  It was interesting.  For our book we are reading Lord of the Flies with an intro from Steven King.  So far it's a pretty good book.
       Lunch isn't really a class, but why not talk about it?  I sat at a table with my friends, Kalli, Mariah and Elise.  We also sat with one of the new kids at school, his name was Dane.  I ate some delicious, spicy, homemade hummus with crackers.  We talked about our earlier classes and which was our favorite.  My favorite from the first three classes would be geography.  We have a nice teacher and it was lots of fun.
       After lunch I had Nutritional Science with Mrs. Carder.  We talked over what we might do in classes.  We might do a baking thing once.  It would be a fun idea for the last day of school.  Some week we plan on bringing canned food in and reading the labels.  One interesting thing I learned is that each calorie is actually 1,000 calories.  The technical name for calorie is kilocalorie but we shortened it and turned 1,000s into 1s.  It was like my whole life was a lie!  I think this class is gonna help me eat healthier and will convince me to eat veggies more than junk food.  For my homework I have a giant college textbook about nutrition that I have to read.  Every week I will read a chapter and then read the study card and answer the questions for that chapter.
       My second to last class (don't get bored, I'm almost done) is Art class with Mrs. Ober.  She is very nice, probably the nicest teacher at Joan's.  She lets you draw whatever you like and next week people from the class will bring in their ipods and connect it to the radio to play different music during art class.  This week she would say something and we would draw it.  For example, she said to draw a shape and to make it hairy.  She said to make an organic line and a strict line.  Then she said to add a foot and a hand to something on the page.  We put on whatever came to mind.  It was lots of fun, but everyone was very quite. I think it will be a little more fun with the music.  She also came up with a fun idea of how to spread everyone out and have them find a spot.  When you came in she would give you a name and description of an artist and you would have to match it to a painting and/or picture that they took.  I can't remember the name of my artist at the moment.  But every picture she took and every painting she made, she was always the main person in them.
       My last class was gym.  Surprisingly there wasn't a lot of people in gym, but it was still fun.  We played capture the flag and the team I was on won. At the beginning on the game I was the jail guard, but my team took shifts.  It wasn't the funnest job to have in the game because you could't do much.  But we worked hard for the other team's flag.  Me and my friend Evan had to sneak around the back of the tiny woods to look for their flag.  We had hand signals so that we didn't have to talk.  Sadly they found us and we freaked out and ran back to our side of the building.


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