Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Connor: Weekly Blog #1

         It was dark and stormy night.  A wizard and a Witch were out alone in the woods.  They started to practice magic by dueling with it.  The wizard wore a white shirt and checkered pants, he was also wearing a magical hat that amplified his power.  The witch was wearing a white dress and classes that allowed her to see the spells, which were invisible.
       Suddenly there was a sound beyond the trees.  Footprints drawing nearer and nearer followed by the crunching of leaves and sticks.  The witch turned and ran back toward the school of magic.  The wizard, on the other hand, stayed and fought the approaching being only to meet his end.  The witch ran as fast as she could and told the most skilled wizard that her friend was still out there.  The two waited quite a while before they realized that the boy had passed away.
          The footsteps came and went, all that was left was the sound of the wind.  At the top of the school an archer stood watch.  He heard the sound of the wind and ignored it, but then he heard a blood curdling noise.  The sound of branches scraping on bone filled the air as a figure shrouded in darkness appeared.  This figure was indistinguishable from a normal farmer, as the archer stood ready to shoot the figure came nearer.  Suddenly the figure stood above the archer.  The archer soon noticed that the scythe had blood on it and, in his fright, backed against the wall.  Before the figure attacked, the archer fired a single arrow that passed through the figure's body.  With that the figure slew the archer and disappeared.
   Later the students were all gathered in their classroom with a teacher.  Soon the teacher left the room and all the students heard was the sound of their teacher dying.  The students grabbed their staffs and wands and waited for whatever had killed the teacher.  Soon the figure had appeared in the room, his face was hidden and he was holding the bloody scythe.  The students,who were mostly around the age of 12 or 13, screamed in fright.  One young boy was slain by the figure before it vanished.  The students were in a panic, there was only two teachers left.  The witch and the head wizard stood together as the figure appeared.  Its robe was black with a  slight blood stain on the hem.  The head wizard walked toward the figure and was about to lift the hood when he was stabbed with the scythe.
    The figure's eyes started to glow a bright red from under the black hood.  It seemed to search the woman's soul with its red glowing eyes.  Just as quickly as it appeared it vanished leaving the floor a crimson red.  The witch looked down at the body of her former master and mourned.  Later the students and their only teacher hid in the brightest room of the school.  Th black robed shadowy figure appeared once more, the entire scythe blade now covered in blood.  The witch moved toward the figure and removed the hood to reveal, a skull with the eye sockets glowing blood red.  The figure said simply "I am Death and your time has come.  You tried to escape me and for that you will all DIE!"  Soon the entire floor was littered with corpses and only the witch remained.  She screamed at Death, asking why he let her live.  He said "Only to allow you to experience a fate worse than myself.  To know that you are the last of this schools cheating wizards.  To know that students will no longer flock to your school.  Although, you too have cheated me several times.  I will be back for you, when the justice system sentences you to death."  
The End


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