Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Avery: Weekly Blog Post

Big Fishy Thing
By Avery Jones
       One time I was at the park with Mommy and we were playing on the slide.  Not the little slide, the big, big slide!  There were three slides.  The baby slide, the big slide, and the big, big slide.  I had fun there.  After we went to the park Mommy had to go to have her teeth looked at by a doctor man.  But Mommy told me he was not a doctor.  He was called Denise or something.
       I had to sit in a big kid chair near the desk lady.  I felt like a big kid!  When I was waiting I got bored and so I got up and walked around in circles.  I pretended to be a dog and tried to chase my tail.  The desk lady person told me I had a lot of "energy".  What does that even mean?  Anyways... I was walking around the desk thing and then saw a place on the other side of the sidewalk that cars go on.  I wanted to go over, but Mommy wasn't there to hold my hand, so I stayed inside.  I sat near the invisible wall and looked through it, so I could see the place.
       The place had a big fishy thing in it.  It was stuck in the walls.  I couldn't tell if it was dead or not.  I think it was.  I bet it was a flying fishy thing!  It was flying and then crashed into the wall.  It might have had too much chocolate milk.  When I have too much chocolate milk with breakfast I get really happy and excited.  So I start going crazy, like a shark.
       When Mommy came out of the dark, scary hallway she told me it was a fake fishy.  It was made of something called plastic.  I think that plastic stuff is made out of dog hair.  She said that it was put there by these men that put on yellow jackets and wear bike helmets.  I asked her if we could go help the fish down and put it in the water, but then she said it was not alive.  It was not dead either.  It was plastic stuff. After she told me about the fishy thing she said we could go get a fish from the place and eat it for dinner next week.  I am soooooooo excited!


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