Monday, September 17, 2012

Avery- Weekly Blog Post

Two Dorks and a Wand
By Avery Jones
       I was sitting there on the streets... a cold, lonely wand.  When suddenly these two giants walk up to me. They were pale skinned with white colored shirts on.  One had large, pink glasses and very long hair braided into two messy braids.  The other had a pointed hat and checkered pants, his hair was rather short.
       They picked me up and starred for a minute.  That's when I got annoyed and flew into the air.  I floated in front of their faces and told them my "magic wand rules".
       "You may wish for whatever you like and you have an unlimited amount of wishes.  If you treat people rudely with my powers I can and will disappear."
       The giants were happy to have me with them.  Although their first wish was to wish for another wand so that they could both have one.  I worried this would cause trouble anytime soon.  Not long after they got into an argument with each other over who's wand looks the most like Harry Potter's.  They started shooting random blasts of magic at each other.
       The girl giant shot at the boy giant and he turned into an ape.  He picked the wand up and turned her into a toad.  They weren't mad anymore though, they were laughing.  They decided to start shooting at each other just for the fun of it.  They were turned into birds, cats, dogs, lizards, and all sorts of crazy animals.  What confused me the most was how they were still able to pick up their wands as animals with no thumbs.  At the same time the other wand and I decided that what was going on was bad for the giants.  They could get too much magic inside of them and die.  We counted to three at the same time and then disappeared into a dessert and waited for the next giants to find us.


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