Friday, September 28, 2012

Kiki Weekly Blog post 1

By Kiki
One day I was going to the park to play.  And then I saw a big fish in a wall, it scared me so bad.  I went in the house.  An old lady lived there and I asked why a fish was in her wall she said I don't why.  Then I decided to pull it out I pulled it out then I went home.  And I sat the fish next to my bed and went to bed.  The next day I went to the park again to play.  On my way back I went to go check on the old lady, she was crying because the fish was gone.  I gave it back and I went home.

Kiki:Show and Tell

This month I was thinking about how to make my costume for Halloween.  I decided to make a flower costume.  I want to make it out of felt, string, paint and hot glue. I want a pattern of dots on the petals and I want plastic high heels.  I want a bag that looks like a bee, it will be pretty.  And I want to paint a bee on my costume.

Connor: Show and Tell

Over the course of the month Gabe, Mason, and I had saved up a lot of money.  Together we had $141.62 all in one blue container.  We intended to buy a Nintendo 3DS, but realized that it wasn't the best idea.  The 3DS is expensive and no one had played the regular DS this month.  So we decided to spit the money and each buy different things.
Gabe Purchased Lego Games for the Xbox.
Mason bought Assassin's Creed Revelations For Xbox.
and I chose Apollo Justice Ace Attorney for DS.

Gabe: Blog of the Week 1

Big Fish
By Gabe
     I am just a normal  three year old boy with normal friends.  I love my house and I love my 7 year old brother.  But what I really want is to go to my friend's birthday tomorrow.  It is bed time, noooo!  I hate bed time.
     Yeah, it is the next day...yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, YEAH!!  We are now in the car on the way to the party.  I just saw a weird, big fish statue going through the corner of a building.
     The party was awesome and I loved it.  We are now on our way back from the party. There is a big fish hopping around town and has destroyed the road.
     We got out of the car and started to run.  We could not run very far because everything was destroyed. We stopped and went in a building to hide.  The big fish hopped into the building and picked up my mommy in it's mouth and took her away.  I ran to go get her but it went to go hide somewhere.
      I tried and tried to find her but I could not find her.  I finally  found the fish and killed it and got my mommy back.  Then I ate the really big fish for dinner with the mayor.  Then I went home and went to sleep. When I woke up I thought about that great night.

Marney: Weekly Blog Post

Big, Floppy, Blue Thingy
By Marney
     I was walking with mommy on the street, then she ran and screamed. I looked back to see what she was running from and I saw a big, fat, blue fish right in front of my eyes.  The fish was stuck in the side of a building.  Then I went up to the building and tried to jump to the fish.  But I could not reach it and I was worried because I could not see mommy anywhere.  All I saw was tons of police cars coming up and the police were running to the building.  I think they wanted to touch the fish too.  Then I went to go find mommy.
    When I got home I saw mommy watching some weird channel called News Channel.  I went and sat down with her and on the weird channel there was the big, blue fish.  I told mommy all about it and how the police wanted to touch it too but they told me that I was not allowed to.  Then mommy started to laugh.  Then I had to take a nap but I could not because I wanted to watch the big fish.
      Then mommy said that I could get up and when I did the ground started to shake and the building was getting knocked down by the fishy.  So we ran outside right next to the ocean.  Then we got in a boat and mommy tried to sail away.  Then I told mommy that we did not have to leave the big city, we could live in the boat until we have a house.
    Then the building fell down and I got a piece of glass in my eye so we had to leave the boat and we went to the doctor and she pulled it out.  Then we got a new home somewhere else in the city and we lived there forever.  Until my mommy died two days after the fish did.  Then a big building fell on me too and now I am dead.  

Mason: Weekly Blog Post #1

  Giant Fish
By Mason   
     One day while I was going to school I saw a giant fish in the side of a building.  I wanted to know how the fish got there so I went inside the building.  I talked to the person who owned the place about the giant fish.  He said that it had been there ever since he moved in and he didn't know why.
    I got a ladder and tried to get the fish out of the building because I wanted to be helpful.  I know it was dangerous for me but I did it anyway.  I pulled on the fishes tale but it did not move.  Then I pulled on its fin and it came out of the building and rolled down the hill and destroyed some buildings.  
     As it rolled down hill it crushed some buildings and homes.  It killed a lot of people and it destroyed some houses.  Then it fell in the water and sunk to the bottom.
     I got in big trouble with my parents and they sent me to bed without any dinner!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mason: Show and Tell

For my show and tell either today are tomorrow I will write a choose your own adventure story. The difference between a normal book and a choose your own adventure book is that in a normal book the main character makes the decisions.  But in a choose your own adventure book you make the decisions.  That is why I like them better than normal books.  Mine is going to take place in the future.

Gabe: Show and Tell

     I recently went to an interview with a guy from the Picayune.  Yesterday I went out to get the newspaper and I was in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It looked awesome and Daniel Clifton did a great job at writing it.  When I read it, it was amazing and awesome.  Here is the article.

Marney: Show and Tell

For my show and tell I want to talk about swim team.  I am now on the Longhorn Aquatics Swim team.
It is much harder then my summer swim team but it is fun.  I stopped going for a few days because my shoulder hurts when I swim.  But soon I am going to be going again.  I have had so much fun at swim team and that means that I could stay on it until I want to stop.  But over the summer I have won about four ribbons.  I think that I will get much more then that, next year.  I want to keep doing swim team until I am 20.  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Connor: Weekly Blog #1

      I was sitting in my room with a picture book.  Before I knew it a fish came flying in and broke through the wall.  The fish was gigantic and looked mean.  It made a noise that I couldn't understand and soon I was running down stairs to avoid it.  I tried telling my dad about the giant fish, but he didn't believe me.  I ran through the house screaming about the fish and the adults kept saying I had a good imagination.
     I was shocked to see that there was a fish in every house.  I looked at the giant fishes and was freaked out.  The fish seemed to be staring at me, gazing into my soul.  It made the same noise again and I ran to the preschool.  In the preschool I saw my friends, and a giant fish.  I told the teachers about the fish and they treated me like I was crazy.
   I stood in fear, unable to move.  The fish seemed to be grinning evilly and making a splashing noise.  The fish seemed to be moving closer.  Its eyes were glowing red and the inside of its mouth was orange.  I looked for a path towards escape, but found none.  The fish's body was now a shade of crimson, its eyes changed to yellow, and the inside of its mouth was blue.
   The giant, odd colored fish inched closer.  As it moved closer I moved back one step at a time.  The fish opened its mouth and showed me its grey teeth.  I backed away, until my back hit the wall.  I looked at the ugly fish and frowned.  Suddenly I woke up it was all a dream, then I saw it.  Outside my bedroom window was an evil looking fish.

Happy Birthday Gabe!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Avery: Weekly Blog Post

Big Fishy Thing
By Avery Jones
       One time I was at the park with Mommy and we were playing on the slide.  Not the little slide, the big, big slide!  There were three slides.  The baby slide, the big slide, and the big, big slide.  I had fun there.  After we went to the park Mommy had to go to have her teeth looked at by a doctor man.  But Mommy told me he was not a doctor.  He was called Denise or something.
       I had to sit in a big kid chair near the desk lady.  I felt like a big kid!  When I was waiting I got bored and so I got up and walked around in circles.  I pretended to be a dog and tried to chase my tail.  The desk lady person told me I had a lot of "energy".  What does that even mean?  Anyways... I was walking around the desk thing and then saw a place on the other side of the sidewalk that cars go on.  I wanted to go over, but Mommy wasn't there to hold my hand, so I stayed inside.  I sat near the invisible wall and looked through it, so I could see the place.
       The place had a big fishy thing in it.  It was stuck in the walls.  I couldn't tell if it was dead or not.  I think it was.  I bet it was a flying fishy thing!  It was flying and then crashed into the wall.  It might have had too much chocolate milk.  When I have too much chocolate milk with breakfast I get really happy and excited.  So I start going crazy, like a shark.
       When Mommy came out of the dark, scary hallway she told me it was a fake fishy.  It was made of something called plastic.  I think that plastic stuff is made out of dog hair.  She said that it was put there by these men that put on yellow jackets and wear bike helmets.  I asked her if we could go help the fish down and put it in the water, but then she said it was not alive.  It was not dead either.  It was plastic stuff. After she told me about the fishy thing she said we could go get a fish from the place and eat it for dinner next week.  I am soooooooo excited!

Avery: Show and Tell

       For my show and tell I would like to tell you about my yoga!  I haven't posted about it in a long time, so here you go.  I teach three classes a week, one is at the Burnet Library on Tuesdays before story time. The next one is at the Montessori school in Marble falls on Thurdays at 10:30.  And the last one is at the Burnet Hill Country Fellowship Christian Academy on Fridays at 11:30.  In October I will stop teaching at the Montessori school.  It's a lot of work (and they are a hard class to teach).  It will also give me more time to finish my school.  But some of them do a really good job too.  There are a few shy children that will watch the class and not do it, but that's okay.  Here is a picture of our classes:

My most favorite class to teach is the kids at the Hill Country Fellowship Christian Academy.  I have a class of 30 or more kids and they all do an amazing job at their yoga.  All of them pay attention and do the poses very well.  After class the kids will sometimes show me poses that they made up by themselves. Here is picture from that class.

Like always I love teaching at the Burnet Library.  They love to have me there and enjoy watching me teach the kids.  Max, Jack and (sometimes) Kiki will come with me so that can work on their yoga skills too.  I don't have a lot of people coming before story time right now.  But the number of kids might build up.  There are 2 girls that come almost every week.  One of them is really focused during the class. Here is a picture from last week's class.

Every week there is a theme to the yoga that matches the Storytime books.  I use that theme for all of my classes (it's much more organized and easier).  Last week's theme was bears.  This week's theme is Ducks! I am going to be teaching at the library today.  And I will post pictures from it on my Facebook page.

Monday, September 24, 2012

9/24/12 Weekly Blog Post

Write a story about the following picture.  Your story needs to be at least four paragraphs long.  Your story needs to be written in the first person, and the narrator should be a three year old child.  Paragraphs of dialogue do not count towards the four paragraph minimum for your story.

9/24/12 Show and Tell

We have been SO busy lately that we have forgotten to keep up with the blog and we haven't been blogging about all the interesting and exciting things we've been doing.  So we are starting a new weekly addition to our blogging...
It's time to share with our family and friends.  Tell us all about something interesting you have done recently, be detailed and post pictures too!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mason: Weekly Blog Post #1

Wizard Party
By Mason     
     One day we had a big party in London and we invited wizards and goblins and trolls.  We were deciding what movie to watch.  The boys wanted to watch Star Wars and the girls wanted to watch My Little Pony.  So the two wizards battled and the boys won and we watched Star Wars and had fun.
The End 

Marney: Weekly Blog Post 1

The Girl and her Tricky Wizard
By Marney Reese Jones 
     People were staring, including two girls named Jenny and Pasta.  The were the popular ones in school.  So let us get back on track, they were all staring at a monster.  They wanted to name it but they could not, it was called the Jack Rabbit Book.  They all had to read it for the class.  Then the day was over and they all went home.
     Jenny went home but Pasta saw a party list on the side of the road.  It was twisting and turning until someone stomped on it and did not even notice.  She looked up to see who it was,  no one knew but they thought he was new there.  It was weird Jenny's boyfriend was talking to him.  Pasta asked him
"Who is this?"
     "I do not know but he is interesting." They started walking again and the list went back far behind them.  Then Pasta ran after it when she got to it, it said:
    This is from Tiger    
Sign up here for costume party
 Pasta Jastavent  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^              
Then Pasta put her name on it 
     Then they got to the party and there was a person dressed up in a wizard costume just like Pasta.  So they used their magic wands,  but they did not seem to work so they put batteries in them then had a wizard fight.  Pasta was about to kill him when he used his wand to heal.  But then they both wished there were dragons and had a dragon fight with wizards riding the dragons fighting each other.  Then Pasta just wanted to be friends so they made the dragons be gone with their heads.  And they stopped fighting Then when they hugged and made up Pasta pulled out her wand and killed the guy.  That is how wizards became tricky.  
The End 

Gabe: Blog of the Week

     Comic Con
By Gabe
     One day there were two nerds who loved Comic Con.  They also loved wizards and thought they were cool.  One day they got an invite to Comic Con.  So they got super ready to go. Then they got in the car to go to Comic Con.
     When they got there they got a hotel and slept.  Then they go to Comic Con and it was amzing.  They were dressed as wizards.  Then they fought and and shot nerf darts at each other.  They got really mad at each other.
     One of them got a foam sword an the other one got a nerf gun and they fought.  When they stopped they hugged.    When they got home they where happy then they slept.

Kiki: Weekly Blog #1

Nerd Battle
by Kiki
One day two nerds were playing video games and they found a wand.   Then they decided to play evil vs. good wizard.  They played it in the abandoned forest, they had costumes and both had wands.  They went to a castle in the abandoned forest in New York in the USA.   They did not know someone lived there and when they saw somone they thought that it was one of there friends, until they saw a dragon.   They ran and ran but then they ran into a giant evil bear named Ted.  They kicked the bear and stole his sword then they went back to kill the dragon.  But the dragon turned into a big fly with ten eyes and they killed the fly.  But then they stepped in a trap they dropped the sword but they could untie it.  They ran out of the castle and never went back

The End

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Gabe Hotel Night Update 1

We got here 1 hour ago and set up our feast.

Then we went and got in the hot tub and the pool.
Look for another update later!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Connor: Weekly Blog #1

         It was dark and stormy night.  A wizard and a Witch were out alone in the woods.  They started to practice magic by dueling with it.  The wizard wore a white shirt and checkered pants, he was also wearing a magical hat that amplified his power.  The witch was wearing a white dress and classes that allowed her to see the spells, which were invisible.
       Suddenly there was a sound beyond the trees.  Footprints drawing nearer and nearer followed by the crunching of leaves and sticks.  The witch turned and ran back toward the school of magic.  The wizard, on the other hand, stayed and fought the approaching being only to meet his end.  The witch ran as fast as she could and told the most skilled wizard that her friend was still out there.  The two waited quite a while before they realized that the boy had passed away.
          The footsteps came and went, all that was left was the sound of the wind.  At the top of the school an archer stood watch.  He heard the sound of the wind and ignored it, but then he heard a blood curdling noise.  The sound of branches scraping on bone filled the air as a figure shrouded in darkness appeared.  This figure was indistinguishable from a normal farmer, as the archer stood ready to shoot the figure came nearer.  Suddenly the figure stood above the archer.  The archer soon noticed that the scythe had blood on it and, in his fright, backed against the wall.  Before the figure attacked, the archer fired a single arrow that passed through the figure's body.  With that the figure slew the archer and disappeared.
   Later the students were all gathered in their classroom with a teacher.  Soon the teacher left the room and all the students heard was the sound of their teacher dying.  The students grabbed their staffs and wands and waited for whatever had killed the teacher.  Soon the figure had appeared in the room, his face was hidden and he was holding the bloody scythe.  The students,who were mostly around the age of 12 or 13, screamed in fright.  One young boy was slain by the figure before it vanished.  The students were in a panic, there was only two teachers left.  The witch and the head wizard stood together as the figure appeared.  Its robe was black with a  slight blood stain on the hem.  The head wizard walked toward the figure and was about to lift the hood when he was stabbed with the scythe.
    The figure's eyes started to glow a bright red from under the black hood.  It seemed to search the woman's soul with its red glowing eyes.  Just as quickly as it appeared it vanished leaving the floor a crimson red.  The witch looked down at the body of her former master and mourned.  Later the students and their only teacher hid in the brightest room of the school.  Th black robed shadowy figure appeared once more, the entire scythe blade now covered in blood.  The witch moved toward the figure and removed the hood to reveal, a skull with the eye sockets glowing blood red.  The figure said simply "I am Death and your time has come.  You tried to escape me and for that you will all DIE!"  Soon the entire floor was littered with corpses and only the witch remained.  She screamed at Death, asking why he let her live.  He said "Only to allow you to experience a fate worse than myself.  To know that you are the last of this schools cheating wizards.  To know that students will no longer flock to your school.  Although, you too have cheated me several times.  I will be back for you, when the justice system sentences you to death."  
The End

Monday, September 17, 2012

Avery- Weekly Blog Post

Two Dorks and a Wand
By Avery Jones
       I was sitting there on the streets... a cold, lonely wand.  When suddenly these two giants walk up to me. They were pale skinned with white colored shirts on.  One had large, pink glasses and very long hair braided into two messy braids.  The other had a pointed hat and checkered pants, his hair was rather short.
       They picked me up and starred for a minute.  That's when I got annoyed and flew into the air.  I floated in front of their faces and told them my "magic wand rules".
       "You may wish for whatever you like and you have an unlimited amount of wishes.  If you treat people rudely with my powers I can and will disappear."
       The giants were happy to have me with them.  Although their first wish was to wish for another wand so that they could both have one.  I worried this would cause trouble anytime soon.  Not long after they got into an argument with each other over who's wand looks the most like Harry Potter's.  They started shooting random blasts of magic at each other.
       The girl giant shot at the boy giant and he turned into an ape.  He picked the wand up and turned her into a toad.  They weren't mad anymore though, they were laughing.  They decided to start shooting at each other just for the fun of it.  They were turned into birds, cats, dogs, lizards, and all sorts of crazy animals.  What confused me the most was how they were still able to pick up their wands as animals with no thumbs.  At the same time the other wand and I decided that what was going on was bad for the giants.  They could get too much magic inside of them and die.  We counted to three at the same time and then disappeared into a dessert and waited for the next giants to find us.

9/17/12 Weekly Blog Post

Write a story about the picture above.  The story can be as long as you want.  The only rule is that it has to involve a wizard battle between the two people in the picture.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Mason: Weekly Blog Post #1

On Monday I went to Joan's Academy.  My first class was Geography and we labeled the oceans and the continents, my homework is to label the Europe map.  My next class is Earth Science and we did an experiment.  We tried to guess what was in the containers, mine were alcohol and apple juice.  My next class was English and in English we talked about the book called The Lord of the Flies.  Next I had lunch and I sat next to Keegan.   In invent and engineer we learned that you can make a lot of tools from rocks and sticks.  My homework is to write about an inventor.  My next class was drama and we played some games.  My last class was gym and we played capture the flag, dodgeball and last man standing.  I had a really good day at Joan's.  

Kiki: My First Day at Joan's

The first class I had was unit study.  First I played a game called getting to know you game, I had to pick a partner and then you had to ask them three questions and then tell everybody else.  Then I built a straw tower, my tower was called water slides.  Then I had gym and we played blob and capture the flag but we can't because the stickers.  Then I had unit study again and we played a story game, everybody has a picture and somebody starts the story with a picture and I had to continue the story with mine. And then I had to write a poem about me.  Then we had music. First I learned about notes and then I played with egg shakers.

Avery- Joan's Academy

       My first day of Joans went well.  My first class was Geography with Mrs. Kraft.  Or teacher told us some stories from her travels.  She got lost at some points but in our class we like to call it exploring or adventuring.  The biggest rule in our class (I love this rule), is not to use the word boring.  It's not a fun word.  Also in class we looked though our maps and looked at some vocabulary words.  I had to write them down on flash cards, which helps a lot!  I liked that class, I think later we will do some more mapping during class.  At this moment we are focusing on Europe.
       My next class was Earth Science with Mrs. Carder.  To be honest it was a little bit boring at the beginning, but then we got to do a little experiment.  There were a ton of little plastic containers with all sorts of different liquids in them.  We had to make teams, I teamed up with my friends Kalli and Elise of course.  We picked to different containers labeled B and F.  We had to smell, shake, and look at them and try and guess what they were.  We guessed they were vinegar because they were clear and smelled very strong just like vinegar.  We tested them out on baking soda and it got very fizzy.  Mrs. Carder told us they were both vinegar and that we had guessed right.  Next class we are going talk about making crystal labs and then make one at home as our homework (I can post some photos when we make it).
       Next was English class with Brett Reeves.  Sadly, at the beginning the guys got Brett to talk about Minecraft for the first 12 minutes of class.  He said that it helps kids with their imagination because they can build and create anything they could think of.  I thought it was funny, the guys that play Minecraft 24/7 were super serious about all of it.  Then we read this story about an electric chair kind of thing (it was a made up thing, no worries).  One person would be in a room with the controls to the electric chair, and there would be a random person sitting in the electric chair (knowing what's going on).  The person with the controls would ask the person in the chair a question, if they answered it wrong then they would be shocked, and every time they get an other question wrong they would make the shock longer and stronger.  It was depending on the person with the controls.  Some people would only shock people half the amount they could shock them and other people, who must be insane, would put it into full shock.  It was interesting.  For our book we are reading Lord of the Flies with an intro from Steven King.  So far it's a pretty good book.
       Lunch isn't really a class, but why not talk about it?  I sat at a table with my friends, Kalli, Mariah and Elise.  We also sat with one of the new kids at school, his name was Dane.  I ate some delicious, spicy, homemade hummus with crackers.  We talked about our earlier classes and which was our favorite.  My favorite from the first three classes would be geography.  We have a nice teacher and it was lots of fun.
       After lunch I had Nutritional Science with Mrs. Carder.  We talked over what we might do in classes.  We might do a baking thing once.  It would be a fun idea for the last day of school.  Some week we plan on bringing canned food in and reading the labels.  One interesting thing I learned is that each calorie is actually 1,000 calories.  The technical name for calorie is kilocalorie but we shortened it and turned 1,000s into 1s.  It was like my whole life was a lie!  I think this class is gonna help me eat healthier and will convince me to eat veggies more than junk food.  For my homework I have a giant college textbook about nutrition that I have to read.  Every week I will read a chapter and then read the study card and answer the questions for that chapter.
       My second to last class (don't get bored, I'm almost done) is Art class with Mrs. Ober.  She is very nice, probably the nicest teacher at Joan's.  She lets you draw whatever you like and next week people from the class will bring in their ipods and connect it to the radio to play different music during art class.  This week she would say something and we would draw it.  For example, she said to draw a shape and to make it hairy.  She said to make an organic line and a strict line.  Then she said to add a foot and a hand to something on the page.  We put on whatever came to mind.  It was lots of fun, but everyone was very quite. I think it will be a little more fun with the music.  She also came up with a fun idea of how to spread everyone out and have them find a spot.  When you came in she would give you a name and description of an artist and you would have to match it to a painting and/or picture that they took.  I can't remember the name of my artist at the moment.  But every picture she took and every painting she made, she was always the main person in them.
       My last class was gym.  Surprisingly there wasn't a lot of people in gym, but it was still fun.  We played capture the flag and the team I was on won. At the beginning on the game I was the jail guard, but my team took shifts.  It wasn't the funnest job to have in the game because you could't do much.  But we worked hard for the other team's flag.  Me and my friend Evan had to sneak around the back of the tiny woods to look for their flag.  We had hand signals so that we didn't have to talk.  Sadly they found us and we freaked out and ran back to our side of the building.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Gabe: Joans Academy

     My first class was Science. I liked how the science teacher taught. What we did is we had to do a lab. We had to smell liquids and then guess what they were.  I really liked science.
     My second class was English.  In english we read two poems. The first one was confusing and about a bunny. The second one was about driving in Oklahoma.  I love English class.
     My third class was gym.  We played Sharks and minows and Blob.  Sharks and Minnows was really fun. Blob is basically Sharks and Minnows but where when you get tagged you have to hold hands. I love gym class!!
     My fourth class was art.  I made a sketch of a furry cube with a line through it.  It also had Merin in a inner tube going down a water fall.   We had to make weird pic drawings for home work. Art is my favorite class.
     My next class was drama. In drama we frist played some getting to know you games and then a game. We played a game where you would point at someone and say your name.  Then we played a game were she says someone's name and that person ducked and the two people on that persons sides would clap the last one to clap lost. I loved drama.
     My Sixth class was invent. It was really boring the frist day, hopefully it gets better.  We did a lot of talking.  I want it to get better. I liked Invent class.
     My last class was strategy games.  We played three games.  The first one was one is a tic tac toe board with a lot of spaces.  The second one was one where you have to make a bunch and a bunch of boxes. I really, really loved strategy games.

Marney: First Day Of School

My first day of school was so much fun.  We went there early so that mom could set up for her teaching.  Before we started school I met a girl called Amelia and she was nine just like me.  We got along great, we are a lot alike.   I was so happy because I got to see my old friends.  The first class of the day was science.  It was fun because we got to smell things and guess what they were.  Then we did English it was fun because we read poems, which is my favorite thing in English that we do.  There was one poem that said the rabbit was humping higher and higher, as in jumping. Then we had gym, in gym we played a few games inside and then we wanted to go play capture the flag outside in the field.  So we went outside to play and when we were about done with the game we got stickers up and down our legs.  So we spent half our gym time in the heat getting stickers out.  Then we had art, my favorite class of the day.  Our teacher was very nice and was great at drawing.  We drew a box that was hairy and had a dog on a tube inside the box with a pattern on the box and a curvy line going through the box.   Then we went to invent and engineering.  It was boring the first day because we had to talk about rules and stuff but part of it was fun because we learned what the first tools were. Then we had strategy games and my mom was the teacher.  We learned what games the cave men played on the walls of a cave.  Then we played the games.  There were three games and they were dots and boxes, gomuko,  pipes,  My favorite one was gomuko because it was like a bigger version of  tic tac toe. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Connor: Joan's Academy.

      Biology is my first class at Joan's this semester.  The teacher is the same one that taught chemistry last semester.  So far we are learning the basics of biology, as with any first day of school.  The homework for this class is reading, vocabulary, and research.
      My next class is geography with a teacher who has traveled around the world.  In this class we are learning about latitude and longitude and naming the countries, continents, oceans, Equator, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.  We also talk about the cultures of each country, although not in this first lesson.  This class requires us to label the European map and the world map.  It also requires some vocabulary, albeit really basic vocabulary.
     Third is English with the same teacher.  We are covering American literature, so far just Mark Twain and Poe.  The class involves slightly more complex vocabulary words than the geography class.  We talked about the life of Mark Twain and read about books he wrote.  We also talked about the tragic life of Edgar Allen Poe and how it inspired his poems and stories.  We also got onto the topic of the strange people leaving flowers at his grave up until last year.
Fourth is nutrition which is tedious, but interesting at the same time.  We learned about the weight that is considered perfect for people of different ages and heights.  We also learned that when most people say calories they mean kilo-calories.  Or in other words 1 calorie from the standpoint of a regular person is 1000 calories in actuality.
   Next was drama which was fun.  We played several types of improv games and the rules to the games didn't matter as long as we had fun.  The games were really odd and I didn't know them until we had gone through one round.  Drama had no homework and probably won't have any until around December or something.
   Finally there was film, which was great.  In film we watched old comedy shows and routines that were mostly following classic comedy.  We watched the Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello, Monty Python, Mr. Bean, and a Saturday Night Live skit.  We also came up with a few ideas for the film project and our homework is to write two skits.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Gabe: Discover Green Marble Falls

This week has been a great week for Discover Green Marble Falls. First I went to Home Depot, Dairy Queen and H-E-B.  I got two water coolers donated from home depot. Then later in the week I got two gift cards donated . Next I went and set up a event on the 17th at the Helping Center Garden in Marble Falls.
It has been a great week.