Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Connor: Blog Of The Day (yesterday)

I find it to be a hard choice.  On one hand you get immortality on the other hand you get to live a normal life.  I think I would like to be a vampire.  The reason for my choice being that while vampires have many, many weaknesses they are still better than werewolves.  Werewolves are easily mistaken for wolves and shot by hunters with bullets that just happen to be silver.  Werewolves also only transform on the night of the full moon where as a vampire is never human and transforms at will.  Vampires, when chased with wooden stakes, can just turn into a bat and fly over them.  A vampire gets to hang out throughout history and learn from it at the same time.  A vampire can start world peace and benefit from it because war = loss of blood and peace = vampire feast.



I like your seems you really looked at all the ins and outs. You make being a vampire look good.

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