Saturday, June 26, 2010

Connor: Blog Of The Day

When Good Bunnies Go Bad
By Connor
One day a young girl was taken to see the Easter Bunny. Little did she know her parents were really mutated rabbits in disguise.  Her "parents" took her into a strange place that seemed to be a mall.  When the young girl sat on the Easter Bunny's lap he got up and carried her off to a machine of some sort.  The Easter Bunny placed the young girl in the machine, pulled a lever and suddenly the young girl found herself in a weird enchanted land.  Looking up she saw a giant mountain and as she looked a humanoid figure walked off the mountain.  This human was over a trillion feet tall and wearing what seemed to be a white table cloth instead of regular clothing.  He wore a crown on his head and carried a lightning bolt.  The young girl saw more of these giants, each clad in a different color of cloth.  The young girl looked at her own clothes and noticed she was now wearing a table cloth.  The multiple figures, she now counted nine, stood in front of her and used some kind of super powers.  They each said their names in the following order: Zeus, Hera, Athena, Poseidon, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Apollo, Demeter, Dionysus, Hades and Ares.    Suddenly Hades said that if the young girl stayed there she would die.  With one small zap Athena sent the girl back to the modern world.  Soon the now angry Easter Bunny put the young girl on a ship with a bunch of other kids and pressed a button.  The young girl told the other kids that she would hold the doors of the ship open for as long as she could.  Eventually every kid except the young girl whom kept the door open had fled.  The Easter Bunny, now extremely upset, pressed a button that caused the ship to launch past Earth's atmosphere into space.  Suddenly the Easter Bunny turned around and realized the young girl had gotten off the ship in the nick of time and pressed the self destruct button on the lair's main computer.  "NO, YOU STUPID GIRL YOU HAVE DOOMED US BOTH!"  The young girl ran for the door and escaped and the Bunny Villain was never heard from again.


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