Thursday, June 3, 2010

Mommio: Spinning, Limping and "The Worst Doctor Visit Ever"

In the land of medical news here are all the updates...
After another scary episode of spinning, nausea, etc. on Tuesday night I went to the doctor yesterday and discovered that I am having incidents of vertigo caused by fluid that the doc saw in my inner ear.  I checked out completely healthy in all other areas, so although the vertigo can come and go at anytime we are all relieved that's what it is.  I am on some allergy medicine and that should clear up my ears and hopefully the spinning too.
Gabe all the excitement with Connor we forgot to report that Gabe had his cast removed and didn't have to get one on his other foot.  Yipee!  He is still limping around since he has to get used to walking on that foot again but he is getting better every day and SO happy to be without cast and crutches, and able to swim. Fingers crossed that the Severs Disease thing does not come back.
And finally, Connor had his follow-up appointments on Tuesday and he is doing great.  Dr. Shapiro (his orthopedic doc) was concerned with some swelling on his knee so he had to aspirate the area just to make sure there was no returning infection.  This meant that he stuck a giant needle into the kneecap and sucked out fluid- there was none there so that was the great news.  However, it was very painful and caused Connor to declare it "the worst doctor visit ever".  The doctor and I both got a good laugh out of this since he has had about 12 surgeries with Dr. Shapiro and never once complained of pain!  He was cleared by that doc to bear weight on his leg again so he is happily walking around using his new walking stick. The infectious disease doctor says he is doing great, bloodwork was looking good and we will just continue all the PICC line meds, and others, until we see her again on June 22nd. He has been excellent through all of this- thanks Connor.


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