Friday, June 4, 2010

Avery: Blog Of The Day

My New Clothes
By Avery
One bright, sunny morning a little girl named Lulu went to the store with her dad to buy new clothes. She looked all around the store and saw these cool clothes that can charge her cell phone. She put on the shirt and then went home.
     "Are you sure this is the shirt you want? We can take it back you know.", said Lulu's dad.
     " Of course it is. It can charge my phone, charge my Ipod and turn my computer on."
     " Okay."
     Lulu got out of the car and right away went to her room. She looked at the shirt, put her phone in her pocket and then started running around. She was running all around the house. Upstairs, downstairs, the front porch and the back porch. Lulu was super excited. She stopped running and took the pink phone out of her pocket. She looked to see if it was charged and it was. The shirt really worked. Lulu ran to her dad and told him about it.
     " Dad! Dad!"
     " Yes?"
     " The shirt works! It works! I put my cell in my pocket and then started running around the whole entire house and then looked at the phone. When I looked it was charged."
     " Oh... really?"
     " Yes!"
     " That's cool. You know if you use that to much you might get hurt and..."
     " Dad, Dad, Dad. You don't understand. I am not going to get hurt at all. It is just a shirt that conducts electricity."
     " It is more than just that."
     " What ever!"
     Lulu ran out side and started walking to her friends house. She got out her phone and started to call Stacey (her friend).
     " Hello?", asked Stacey.
     " It's me, Lulu."
     " Oh... HI! So... what's up?"
     " Oh nothing. I'm just walking to you're house in my new awesomely, awesome shirt."
     " Really?!"
     " YEAH! It can charge all of my things! It can also make my computer come to me."
     " Really?!"
     " Yeah I..."
     " OMG! That is so cool! I can't wait for you to get here."
     Lulu hung up and opened Stacey's front door. She walked into the kitchen and then into the living room. Suddenly the tv started to move. It rolled over to Lulu and started sticking to her feet.
     " Well I guess this is a bad thing. STACEY!", yelled Lulu.
      " Yeah?"
      " You're tv is stuck to my feet."
      " HAHA! How did this happen?"
      " I don't know. I think it was my shirt that made it come to me."
      Stacey got her mom to help pull the tv off her feet. It took them about an hour to get it off of her. When it was finally off they ran to the kitchen and started to eat some snacks. Then the toaster unplugged it's self and ran to Lulu. Stacey grabbed it and tried to smash it on the ground. The two girls ran up to Stacey's room. Lulu took off the shirt and then put on one of Stacey's. They grabbed the shirt and the put it in the trashcan. Then all the electronic stuff went to the trashcan. Then they were both safe.




Good one girl...guess we should be careful of too much techno stuff....

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