Sunday, June 20, 2010

Daddio: Best. Father's Day. Ever.

We now live amongst the rich and elite.  Why you ask? Because while Jen was at Walmart buying a memory card for our Wii (so we can download a bunch of new songs), she saw that they were liquidating their stock of above-ground pools. So for two hundred bucks we have our new, 16-foot diameter/3-foot deep pool with filter, skimmer, vacuum and ladder.

I'm well aware that one shot with a BB gun and this thing will flood the dog run, but we like living on the edge. The best part is that we fill it with free well water. When we first set it up, it didn't look like much- just an inflated ring sitting on a tarp:

But after a couple of hours... HEY! This is starting to look like a pool!

After a couple of more hours, we thought, "This might actually work out!"

Five and a half hours later and, holy cow! That's a pool! It being father's day, I got the honors of being the first one in the pool and helped the littler ones in:

Then the whole family got into it, including Nana and Popo (well not really Popo- but he came over to appreciate it):

Now obviously this pool isn't for doing laps. If we want to do that, or any hardcore swimming, we'll go to the lake. But this is perfect for soaking and wrestling in for an hour or so on an afternoon when we don't want to get everything together for a lake venture.

The concerned look on my face here has to do with the freezing temperature of the water drawn up from the well. Even though it was in the upper nineties today, the pool didn't have time to heat up because it was constantly filling for almost six hours.

Nana was also hesitant, and like every good grandmother, refused to get her hair wet. Also please notice the beautiful crepe myrtle in the background, we planted that last summer.

We had a great time and swam for about an hour (the older kids for about two hours). Best father's day ever.



It was great...and it wasn't about getting my hair was freezing. And of course I was holding Jack and he didn't want to get wet. Get pool...thanks Mommio.

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