Monday, June 21, 2010

Avery: Blog Of The Day

Namibia is big country right next to South Africa and the Atlantic ocean! It has an elevation of 3,000 feet to 4,000 feet. Namibia's total area would be 318,694. The capital there is called Swakopmund. Namibia was discoverd by the Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias in the late 15th century. Later in the 1880s Germans took over the place. In 1946 people from South Africa have tried to take over the place. Ever sense 2005 their president has been Hifikeounye Ponamba. Also ever sense 2005 their prime minister has been Nahas Angula. Most of the people in Namibia speak Afrikaans, 7 % English and 32% German. Almost all of the people there are Christian. Their industries are meat packing, fish processing, dairy products and mining! The stuff they grow there is millet, sorghum, peanuts and grapes. In Namibia they have only 2 radio stations 137 airports and 232,000 tvs . Some day I would like to go there, but I won't... because it would be way too much money to spend to get there.



They have 137 airports, but only two radio stations? Maybe they have a bunch of rural areas you can only get to by plane or on foot.

I bet that Namibia was "discovered" long before the 1500s. I think that's just when Europeans discovered it.

Good post, girl.


They have one great flag. Why do you want to visit Namibia? What do you think a girl your age does every day? Does she have a job, go to school, work in the fields...what do you think she gets to do?

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