Friday, May 28, 2010

Connor: Blog Of The Day

The Adventures of an Ant
By Connor

That day started terribly, the Queen told me "Thou must go gather food or thou will lose thy job."
I knew I had to obey, so I went to the beach because humans leave the most tasty food there.  My mission was simple, recover food, but there was something that I noticed in the distance that distracted me.  I traveled a few miles, or inches if your a human, and saw the same item closer up.  It was an extremely large, red goblet. I scaled the cup with some difficulty and saw a thing on top of it.  This strange thing seemed to fly.  It had wings, I think humans call this thing a helicopter.  The helicopter was not moving, so I thought it had left its exoskeleton on the cup, like a crab.  I walked onto the helicopter with ease and found weird controls and things that we ants never saw before.  Finally, I got the helicopter working, as well as got the hang of flying it.  I flew back to the colony and dropped the food into the food pile.  I walked off of the helicopter and talked to the queen. "There be thine colony's food for the week"  I said to the queen with dignity. "Thou hath done well" she replied handing me a gummy worm. The End   



Great story...I like that the ant used the helicopter to gather food and your story is in "days of yore".

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