My Feelings
By Avery
Okay, so, I'm Bobby and I want to tell you the story about my super powers I used to have. Okay, so one day I was working at this big building called the capital and I thought that I needed some fresh air because It was hot inside and I needed to pee on a tree. So I made my business and sat down for a while. Suddenly my wife came up to to me and started talking about things.
" Bobby! We have a big problem!"
" What is it?! Oh... you found my secret closet full of Taylor Swift posters didn't you?!", I said in a worried voice.
" No. But, why would you like her?! She is not that pretty and she doesn't sing well."
" Uh, yes she does. She is so, so, so pretty and she is an awesome singer!"
" Okay, okay. So the real problem is that we are almost out of money and you need a better job. All you do is clean the capital."
" Okay, how about I start cleaning the outside of the capital too."
" No! You have to get a real job, or sell some things."
My wife walked to the car and drove home. I went to the dock and started think of good and awesome and good jobs. Suddenly I stood up and fire started to come out of my butt! I tried to hide it but then this magazine guy came up to me and took my picture. For some reason the picture was on Hundred toes (Great blog)! I was so mad and angry at that time. When I got mad more of the fire started coming out! Because the fire wouldn't go away I jumped in the water and stayed under for about four minutes. After that I got out of the water and I was freezing cold. Also, for some reason ice started coming out of my hands. I thought this was all happening whenever I have feelings. So that I could test it I wrapped up in a towel. The testing worked! Because I was warm I started to make it hotter outside. I ran inside the building and started talking to my know it all boss of mine.
" Boss! I have super powers, you have to believe me!"
" Super powers are only real in movies. We are really not in a movie or story, so this can not be true."
" But boss, we are in a story. See, Avery is still writing down what I'm saying."
" Okay, you are telling the truth here. So... what are your powers?"
" Well, it depends on what I'm felling right now. So, for example, I am feeling proud of myself so I will have music stuck in my head."
" Cool. Okay, so let me get this straight. If you felt hungry, it would start raining food everywhere."
" Yep."
" Look, if you start using your powers when people come here you will get paid four million dollars a week."
" What?! That... that's great."
" You have to start your job now."
" Now?! But... but... but it's lunch break, so you have to let me eat."
I walked out of his office and got my grilled cheese sandwich out of my bag. I slapped myself so that I would be angry and heat my grilled cheese up with my fire power. I started eating it and then started my new job. It was pretty cool. I also bought a new house that had a big bedroom. My wife was very happy!
What a wonderful out the on the hands and raining food. I love the way your mind works.
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