Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mommio: Oh The Hospital!

Well, things had been going good around the Toe house when suddenly-BAM!-Connor's right knee was swollen to the size of a grapefruit.
 So, here we sit- a few hours now- in the Emergency Room at Dell Children's Hosptial (because we must drive 1 1/2 hours to get to any hospital or doctor that we will let anywhere near Connor).  So far they did x-rays- "nothing remarkable" there.  Now they are suspecting some type of infection and are running lab work. The ER doctor, who I like very much, says we will most likely be admitted to the hospital tonight since the onset of this swelling was so fast.  They might need to drain fluid off his knee to figure out what is going on.  We wait, and wait...more news to come later. In the meantime, Connor is feeling fine and watching a movie.  Oh, and getting annoyed by the big Toe!



They make a cute couple.

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