Friday, May 14, 2010

Avery: Blog Of The Day

May 7, 2010
Dear Diary,
Okay,  so, today I got to be in a cool show! I followed mommy around the whole time. She would always do the awesome tricks and I couldn't, all I could do was swim and make tiny splashes. I wish that someday I would be able to jump into the air or pose and splash at people. Maybe I could do some extra training by myself or with mommy. Gosh... I wish I had fingers, so that I can write better. I always write too hard and my writing is really dark. Sometimes I feel like I want to hide at the bottom of the practice pool forever! If I did that I might die, so I just lie down there until I am ready to come up. The good thing is that there are no sharks in there. Well... I can't wait until my birthday, Maybe when I get older, I will get bigger and be able to do real tricks! Oh no... the trainer is here! Just be quiet and don't move. I will move because then she will think that I am playing. Okay... she is gone. I am really glad that the trainer wasn't Helga, she is so mean (she yells at me... I think). Maybe she yells because I am under water and it is hard to hear when under water. Wait a minute, she yells because I can't hear! Now I get it. Also a minute ago Helga got me to almost do a full back flip under water! I should really thank her for that later. Okay, so I am going to do another show in just a few minutes, so I don't have a lot of time to write. I love you Diary! ;)!
Baby Shamu



I just love that baby did a great job read his mind.

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