Monday, August 31, 2009

Marney: What I Did Today

I went to yoga and I did some new poses. King cobra and picking avocados and peaches. I caught a bird! We did tree, I was a tiny bush. And then we did relaxation and said thank you to our bodies. Here's a video that my mom just took of me doing poses.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Marney: My Recipe For Cookies

cookie mix

Turn on oven to 350. Pour cookie mix into the bowl. Put the water in the bowl and mix in the bowl and put 2 eggs. Put butter in the bowl, put some flour and put some cinnamon and mix it. Bake for 10 minutes.

Mommio: Our Week

Last week turned out to be quite a bit slower than we had planned. The Weaver's have been sick (and still are) so we did not have Wednesday morning at their house and we didn't go on a field trip Thursday since they were going with us. So, for the most part we had a week at home and it was kind of nice to do that for a change. We took our time doing school and relaxed a little. This week we get back to being busy again!

Monday- music & book club at our house with the Weavers, making cricket cookies, yoga
Tuesday- Nana day (if she is feeling better)
Wednesday- Buddhism unit study, Homeschool Adventure Club: Bugs, Daddio toe leaves to Hartford for three days
Thursday- school, Buddhism unit study, Connor Teen Library League
Friday- school, Buddhism unit study, house chores, sleepover night, Daddio toe gets home
Saturday- yard chores, science, grocery shopping, family game night
Sunday- family day (no plans yet), Kyle and Jen date night- Nana babysit

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Daily Girl #53: Breaking News

Breaking News: The End of Newspapers
By Connor

Some newspapers are starting to go out of business. The reason this is happening is because of online newspapers. Newspapers tell us what's happening in the world. The newspaper business is losing lots of money. The newspaper is trying to stay as a usable method of finding out what is going on in America and other countries. Now America is starting to use the internet get news. The newspaper is very important to some people. Nana said that she likes getting the newspaper every morning.

While newspapers are going out of business online newspapers are being used more often. The newspaper has been competing against the online newspaper for many years. Now the newspaper has more compettion. The Kindle is being used a lot more than the newspaper. The Kindle is becoming a better device all the time and has been providing competition for the bookstores also. The Kindle and the online newspaper are considered better than the regular newspaper.

History says that the first newspapers were made back when America was controlled by England. They were made only for politics back then. Then the American newspaper progressed to only printing what was happening in America. News articles are very important in the present. The newspapers have become a very popular thing. The newspaper is now read most oftenly in the morning with breakfast. Newspapers have been a very interesting thing to some people.

The big question is, where will we get news from in the future? Well I don't know but I have an idea and that idea is we will get news from holograms. We just don't know what will be next after the kindle and online news. News will always be very, very important. I know that soon we will find yet another way to get news. I just can't help but wonder what is the next step into news technology?

Daily Girl #53: Check This Out

My Favorite Buddhist Story
By Avery
For school we have been learning about Buddhism. It is an Indian religion and the main figure is Buddha. We have been reading a lot about Buddha's life. My favorite story is called Angulimala The Robber. Here's the story: There was a robber named Angulimala that also wanted to kill people. He had to kill a certain amount of people and to count how many he has killed he puts their fingers on his necklace. One day he saw Buddha and wanted to kill him! So then he started running after Buddha. But no matter how fast he ran he couldn't catch Buddha, even though Buddha was walking. Angulimala said to Buddha " Stop moving, just stop!" Then Buddha said " I am not the one moving, you are." But Buddha's legs were moving. Then Buddha told him that if he has a calm mind, then he could do all sorts of things. But Angulimala has an angry mind. So then Angulimala calmed down and threw his sword into a ditch and then asked Buddha if he could teach him how to meditate. So then the story was over. This story teaches you that if you have a calm mind and meditate you can accomplish lots of things. I liked this story the most because it is very mysterious and exciting. I love learning about Buddhism.

Daily Girl #53: The Zoo

Daily Girl #53: Craft Corner

Craft Corner: Diorama
By Marney
1. Get a box.
2. Color or paint inside your box to make a background.
3. Draw, color and cut out shapes (like trees and clouds) for your scenery.
4. Tape those into the box by bending the edge to make it stand up.
5. Draw, color and cut out people.
6. Bend the bottom of each person so that it can stand up.
7. Put the people in the box and play with them.

Daily Girl #53: Fun Stuff

My Little Grill
By Gabe
I made a little grill and it looks like a real one but it doesn't have a gas tank. I made food that goes with it. I used a small muffin cup container and then I put popsicle sticks with colored tissue paper on the bottom for the fire. Then I put red tissue paper for the flames inside the container. I got ribbon and I went across the top of the container three times and taped it, then went across the top of the container the other way and taped it. I got white tissue paper for the smoke and I taped it on to the ribbon. For the food I made a hot dog. How you do it is, you get a bunch of colored tissue paper and then you get a toothpick and stick it in and wrap tape around it all. I used a black crayon for the lighter.

Daily Girl #53: Photo of the Week

Photo Of The Week
By Avery
This picture was taken by me. In this picture Connor, Mason, Gabe, and I just finished making our heroscape map. It was the biggest one that we have ever made!

Daily Girl #53: Special Announcements

Special Announcements
By Avery
Happy birthday to my Aunt Melinda! Daddio have fun on your trip at Hardford, we are going to miss you. Also happy 40th anniversary to my awesome Nana and Popo!

Daily Girl #53: Recipe of the Week

Banana Bread

1 3/4 cups flour
2/3 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup mashed banana
1/3 cup butter
2 tablespoons milk
2 eggs
1- In a large mixing bowl combine 1 cup flour, sugar, baking powder,baking soda, and salt.
2- Add mashed banana, butter, and milk. Beat with an electric mixer on low speed, then on high speed for two minutes.
3- Add eggs and remaining flour and beat until blended.
4- Pour batter into a greased 8x4x2 inch loaf pan. Bake in a 350 F oven for 50-60 minutes.
5- Let cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes. Then let cool out of the pan for ten minutes.
6- Eat and Enjoy!

Daily Girl #53: How The Garden Grows

How The Garden Grows: Fall Garden Time
By Gabe
We cleaned our garden out by pulling everything out so we can plant our fall garden. While we did that Jack played in mud the entire time and got yucky! Here are some things we want to plant: sage, lavender, lettuces, spinach, peas, potatoes, broccoli, zucchini, sunflowers, onions, radishes, basil, cilantro, jalepeno, dill. We want more dill because we use it as an herb. We want radishes because we will put it in salads. Radishes are my favorite thing that we are planting because they are very spicy. We want more sunflowers because their cool. Tony delivered mulch for the garden. We will plant some seeds in the ground and we will start some in pots in the house. I like the seeds we grow in the house because the birds don't eat the seeds and they are healthier plants. Our garden will be cool.

Daily Girl #53: Question of the Week

What is your favorite subject in school and why?

Daily Girl #53: Joke of the Week

Which tooth is worth a dollar?

A buck tooth!

Daddio: The Karate Kid

For family movie night last night we watched The Karate Kid-- a film I watched as a kid in 1984. It's funny how when I was a kid, this thing was the most awesome, cool movie I'd ever seen -- Wax On/Wax Off -- but watching it now, I realize what a cheesy, typical 80s movie it was. You little toes enjoyed it, of course, but you liked it in a funny, "wow, can this movie be serious" kind of way. Either way, it was a lot of fun to watch it. I so want to be the All Valley Under 18 Karate Champion.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Rex: My Action Story

Hi, my name is Rex and I am a very intelligent scientist. In case you are wondering, I am a dog. I was out in the dog run one day running around and then I heard a sound coming from the laundry room in which I sleep. It was a loud rumbling noise that seemed to be saying something to me. The noise said "Ha ha ha ha! I have captured your brother T and there is nothing you can do about it." Then I remembered T had not followed me out to the dog run. I ran to the gate of the dog run, which luckily for me, was unlocked. I ran to the porch and yelled until my human friend Connor came to open the door. The moment the door was open I ran to the laundry room door which was closed and heard the noise again. This time I noticed that the noise was the voice of my arch enemy the evil Professor Washing Machine. He yelled "I have blocked the door with my evil henchmen the Laundry Basket Brigade." I yelled so loud that a panda came to open the laundry room door for me. The door was then opened enough for me to jump in. I seemed to have made a stupid mistake because soon mister dryer comes at me. I chose to dodge him and attack Prof. Washing Machine. Then Prof. washing Machine backed up and hit the wall and self-destructed. "That's the last we'll see of him", I said to T.
To Be Continued....

Mommio: School Changes

School has gone really well this week...the kids are all in the groove on each of their particular levels and working very independently. Great job toes! Next week we have another big school transition happening here.
Marney will be joining our school day full time. She has been doing a little math, reading, writing, grammar and phonics in the early mornings for about 30 minutes and then joining the "little kids" at Nana's house while the "big kids" do school work. Well, she is now officially a "big kid" and had her last morning at Nana's house today. I know that Nana and Marney are both a little sad about this change, but I think they are excited too (like I am) that Marney is ready for school. Marney will work on all of the stuff she has already been doing and she will also start Saxon Math 2, Rosetta Stone Spanish and she will be joining us for our Unit Study (Buddhism right now).
Kiki will still be going to Nana's house but she will now be on Marney's old schedule: school work (mostly a little phonics and math) for 30 minutes every morning before she can join Max and Jack across the street. I know she is excited about that since she asks to "do school" every day!
The older kids have also moved up in their math: Connor to Teaching Textbooks Algebra, Avery and Mason to Teaching Textbooks Math 5 and Gabe to Saxon Math 5/4. You guys are amazing!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


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Mason: When I Grow Up

When I grow up I want to be a game inventor and an actor. I want to be an actor because I want to be in an action movie. I would be a bad guy at first. It would be fun to be a bad guy because I get to pretend to be someone else that I am not. And I also want to be a game designer because I want to make games for the Wii and some games for the DS, I would like to make a Zelda RPG game. It is a secret about what will be in my game.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Gabe: Heroscape

We are going to play Heroscape tonight. We made a Heroscape map. It will be awesome. We get a 350 point army. I hope I win.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Marney: What I Did Today

What I did today is I did school like recorder and reading and I played with Gabe and I played with Kiki. I went to yoga and I made up my own pose called the zebra. My mom took a picture of me doing it at the house. And I did picking bananas and oranges. And everybody else showed the teacher their own pose that they made up too. And I did the lion just right now before I started to write this. I learned how to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth.

Avery: School

Today at school I got to do my grammar with Mom and Gabe. In grammar we got to play with words. That means that we have to use Nouns and Adjectives to make a sentences. Also in unit we read some Buddhist stories. My favorite one was the robber story. I love school.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Kiki: Blog

I love 100 Toes.

Marney: What I Did Yesterday

It was buddy day yesterday and I was buddies with Gabe and Ava was buddies with Mason and Kiki was buddies with Connor.

Mommio: Our Week

First of all, few changes from last week- Daddio was only gone one night, which was great. Connor's MRI was rescheduled so we had no appointments this week. And the biggest change was a surprise visit from Rob on Saturday! And we didn't swim much today because the water was really disgusting and hot.
Here's a look at this week:

school, Buddhism Unit Study, yoga
Tuesday- Nana Day, Connor yearly brain MRI and oral surgeon check up
Wednesday- breakfast and morning school (book club- Midwife's Apprentice, farm chores, planting)at the Weavers, afternoon school at home, D&D night
Thursday- swimming at Hancock Springs in Lampasas with some other homeschool families, Connor Teen Library League
Friday- school, Buddhism Unit Study, cooking & crafts
Saturday- yard chores (plant in the garden), science, family game night
Sunday- lake swimming day (Nana and Popo's house)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Avery: What I Did Today

Today was buddy day. My buddy was Mason. Mason doesn't do so much stuff every day, but it is still fun being buddies with him. We had to do our weekend chores. My chore was to vacuum and Mason's chore is to mop after I vacuum. I love buddy day!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Gabe: Music Class Rhyme

Here's a rhyme we made in music class with Robin. It's about our trip to Krause Springs.

Avery: What I Did Yesterday

Yesterday we went over to the Weaver's house so that we could do our book club and some morning chores and visit. The first thing that we did when we got there is we ate our breakfast. We got to eat cereal. Right after breakfast we gave the food scraps to their chickens. The chickens were crazy when the food dropped into their pen. Later we got to put hay in the goat's pen. Their names are Skyla and Cat. They are really cool. When we were watching the goats we played on the trampoline for a little while. Soon we went back to their house so that we could do our book club. We were talking about a book called The Midwife's Apprentice. We also drew pictures from the book. Later we went outside and talked and played for a long time. Later we went home for the afternoon. I love going to the Weaver's house!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mason: Art Class

In art class I made bas-relief of a dragon. Bas-relief is carvings on the wall. Kings used to carve themselves on the wall doing lion hunts to show how strong they are. How you make bas-relief is you get clay and use a pencil to carve a drawing then you can use a knife or your thumb to make it look like the platform rised.

Avery: A Story

Sir Max A Lot
One day Max went jogging. Avery couldn't come because she got hurt. Lucy the dog came with him. They saw lots of stickers and dogs. Max saw a big dog that was green. The dog came over to him and played with Lucy. Later the walk was over and max went to ride a donkey with Jack. The donkey went slow because Jack is a baby. At night Max went to sleep.
The End

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kiki: Spin Art

I did spin art in the kitchen at Nana's house today, on the counter. It was fun.

Daddio: D&D?

It sucks that I we can't play D&D on Wednesday, but now that my trial is canceled and I'll be home this weekend... anyone want to play D&D on Saturday for game night?

Daddio: Traveling Stinks

I hate traveling. I guess I hate it for all the normal reasons people don't like to travel, but the main thing for me is I hate being away from you guys. I thought it would be okay because at the hotel I have cable-- CABLE! But watching cable has just made me realize that it was smart to get rid of it because I was bored within ten minutes and couldn't find anything to watch. It's so boring.

I miss you guys.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Mommio: We Miss You!

We sure are missing the big toe while he is gone. We can't walk very well with just the nine toes. Come home soon!

Marney: What I Did Today

I did art with Lily and Elder and what we did for art is we made bas-relief clay pictures. How we do it is we can make it out of clay, which is easy to make. First we flatten out the clay, but not too flat. And then we draw it with a pencil, spoon or knife. And then we use the knife or your fingers to scrape out the clay around the picture. Then you let it dry. Mine is of a lion and fire.

I went to yoga with Lily and Elder and the teacher's called Lindsay. And she teached us warrior two and warrior one. And then we did the tree pose and we did the cat/cow. The cat/cow is where first you do the cow and the cow is where you get on your hands and knees and you bend your head up and your back down. The cat is where you bend your stomach out and your head down. And we also did downward dog. Downward dog is where you put your back all the way up. The tree pose is where you stand up, your head has to be straight and your hands have to be together or you can be a wavy tree where you just wave around. And your legs can be up to your knee or your toes can be touching the ground with your knee at your heel.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mommio: Our Week

Another busy week flew by...we didn't end up doing school in the afternoon on Wednesday because we were all so tired from our first great morning at the Weaver's. Just something new in our schedule that we will work on to get used to, we'll try to get some school work done this Wednesday. Other than that we stuck to our plans again last week quite well. Good job toes!

And on to this week's plans:

Monday- Hinduism Unit Study (last day), music (recorder) and art class (clay bas-relief)with Weavers, yoga, Daddio leaves town to Houston for three days
Tuesday- Nana Day, Connor yearly brain MRI and oral surgeon check up
Wednesday- breakfast and morning school (book club- Midwife's Apprentice, farm chores, planting)at the Weavers, afternoon school at home, Daddio comes home
Thursday- morning school, Buddhism Unit Study, Connor Teen Library League, BIG SLEEPOVER NIGHT (girls with Lily at Nana's house, Gabe with Elder at Weavers house)
Friday- sleepover hangover day, house chores, family movie night
Saturday- yard chores (clean up the garden), science, family game night
Sunday- lake swimming day (Nana and Popo's house)

Marney: What I'm Going To Do Tomorrow

What I'm going to do is I'm going to see Lily and Elder to do music and art class with Robin.

Mommio: A Fun Morning!

This morning some of the toes went to Krause Springs in Spicewood. The two little toes and the teen toe couldn't join us because of all the slippery rocks there- but they had a great morning with Nana and Popo anyway. The springs were beautiful and cold and we were the first people there so we got the place to ourselves for about an hour and a half. We all braved the creepy, dark cave. The kids did some rock jumping. And they all chickened out on the rope swing- which was pretty cute. We had a great morning and I am really glad we got to show the big toe such a cool place.

Avery: Family Movie

Last night we watched family movie. the movie was called The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. It is a funny movie about adventure. My favorite part was when Baron Munchausen was riding on a cannon ball all the way across the village and back. I can't wait for the next family movie!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Avery: Question of the Week.

What is your favorite website and why?

Daily Girl #52- Avery's Week

Avery's Week
By Avery
We had a lot of fun in the last two weeks! What I really liked is that we got to have a camp out night. Gabe, Marney, Kiki, Mason, and I all did it. The first thing that we did is we set up our sleeping bags. Kiki was sleeping on the couch, so she didn't need a sleeping bag. Also we had to have it in the living room. The first game that we played was Hangman. Gabe was the host of it. So that means he wrote down the alphabet and crossed off letters and wrote down the letters. In the middle of playing Nana came over to visit. So then she got to play Hangman with us. At the end I won. The two words that I had to guess were Polytheistic Ascetic. That means someone that is very nice and believes more than one god. It took a long time to guess it. After playing hang man we cleaned up and Nana left. Also we played Sumo Wrestlers! In the game Gabe and Marney got to fight for three rounds and then Mason and Gabe had to fight for three rounds. It was very funny game. I was the referee for the whole entire game. What I liked about being the referee is that I won't have to fight. Next we got to fight with our nerf guns. One of the guns didn't work that meant that only Gabe and I could play with them. Also Marney fell asleep and Kiki was eating midnight snack while we played. Gabe had almost all of the ammo so he could refill his gun every second. Then after a few minutes I lost and Gabe won. We played DS for 30 minutes. I played Cooking Mama, Gabe played Gardening Mama, and Kiki played a princess game. In cooking Mama all of the recipes were unlocked. After we played the DS we had a pillow fight. In the pillow fight Kiki kept on dropping her pillow on the ground. Gabe was a little bit clumsy when we did it. At the end it was a tie. Some day we will have a rematch. Later when Kiki was asleep Gabe and I had a midnight snack. We ate Thin Wheats and drank water. Gabe ate some goldfish also. When we were about to go to sleep we read a book about all sorts of girlie things to do. Gabe was laughing the whole time I read it. Later we went to sleep but in the middle of the night the power alarm went off because all of the power in our house went off. So I did not get much sleep. I loved having the sleepover and I can't wait until the next one.
On Monday the Weavers came over so that we could do stuff. When they first got here we played hide and go seek. When we did do recorder class the first thing that we did is we made our own thunder storm on the floor. It was all about rythym. Also we got to sing two songs. Five Little Babies and the Beehive. On our recorders we had to play the whole entire page seven. It had some complicated songs on it. Also in recorder class we learned note C. It is a very cool note. After recorder class we did art class. In art class we did pottery. We made clay bowls. To make a clay bowl you need to make clay and then make little balls of it. Next you flatten out the balls on a paper bowl and let the clay dry. When it is dry you do not eat out of it because it is only for decoration. After art class we went to yoga. Our yoga teachers name is Lindsay. She taught us how to do the Cat. The Cat is when you are on your hands and knees and you arch your back up in the air. Then we did the Cow. The Cow is when you put your head and your tail up in the air. We did all sorts of yoga poses. My favorite yoga pose was the warrior pose because it is super awesome. After we did all of the poses we got to relax for a while. When we went home we were all very tired. I loved being with the Weavers and I hope that we will not stop being with them.

Daily Girl #52- Photo Of The Week

Photo Of The Week
By Avery
This picture was taken by me! In this picture our rat Luigi is playing around like he always does. I love our rats!

Daily Girl #52- Question Of The Week

What is your favorite amusement park and what is your favorite ride in it?

Nana- Worlds of Fun... the log ride.

Marney- Six flags because the rides are awesome and the funnest is when I got on the log ride. The second funnest ride was the spinning tea pots.

Christopher- Me and my friend Jen like Tilt-A-World. Also we really like Space Mountain.

Avery- I like Six Flags because it is the only amusement park I have ever been. Also my favorite ride was the log ride because it is super exciting.

Daily Girl #52- Check This Out

Check This Out: Sleepover Plans By Avery
Last week Lily Weaver, Marney, Kiki, and I all planed stuff for a big sleepover that we are going to have on the 20th! We are going to have it at Nana's house because that is where all the candy, coke, and Wii are. We are calling it a wakeover because we are not going to sleep at all! To keep us awake we are going to eat candy, drink coke, and play lots of games. Also it is going to be an all girls night. It is going to be an all girls night because Popo will be out of town on that day. The first thing that we are going to do when we are at Nana's house is we are going to play Hide And Go Seek. In the game we have to pair up and hide. So that means that Marney and Kiki will be a pair and Lily and I will be a pair. So Lily and I will count together and we will have to find Marney and Kiki. Later we are going to make our own pizzas for dinner. Make your own pizzas are the best pizzas ever because you can make it the way you want it. After we eat pizza we are going to cook all sorts of things. We are going to cook cake, little pastries, chocolate strawberries, jell-o, ice cream, and cookies. We really really want to make jello because then we can cut shapes out of them. We also wanted to do Nana's paraffin bath. A paraffin bath is where you dip your hands in wax and then let the wax dry. After the wax dries we have to peel off the wax and feel our smooth hands. We want to do the paraffin bath because it is awesome! When it gets dark we are going to go outside and play Hide And Go Seek with a flash light and Ghost In The Graveyard. We play ghost in the graveyard because it makes us want to tell scary stories. When we tell scary stories we are going to tell them outside in the dark because then it will make them even scarier. After a little while we are going to get our blow up beds out and start setting up for the stuff that we are going to play in the living room. We are going to move the furniture around and put on pajamas. We are all going to sleep on our own blowup beds. Nana is going to sleep in her bed. We will be playing Wii for the rest of the night. At 5:00 in the morning we are going to sleep for a few hours. When we wake up we are going to make some awesome pancakes that have some sugar and vanilla mixed in with them. It is going to be the best sleepover ever!

Daily Girl #52- Recipe Of The Week

Ham and Cheese Roll-Ups
4 slices whole wheat bread
4 teaspoons honey mustard
4 slices deli ham
4 slices swiss or American cheese
4 dill pickles

1- Cut the crusts off of bread with a serrated knife.
2- With a rolling pin, roll out each slice of bread until it is flat.
3- Spread 1 teaspoon honey mustard on each slice of bread.
4- Layer a slice of ham, a slice of cheese, and a pickle on top of the honey mustard.
5- Roll it up and secure with toothpicks.
6- Cut into slices.
5- Eat and enjoy.

Daily Girl #52- Joke Of The Week

Why did the man throw his watch out the window?

He wanted to see time fly!

Daily Girl #52- Craft Corner

Sewing A Purse
By Marney
1. Pick out fabric.
2. Fold in in half.
3. Cut out the shape.
4. Sew up each side. Leave the top open.
5. Cut a strip of fabric for the handle.
6. Sew the ends of the handle onto the sides of the purse.
7. Then you have a purse.

Daily Girl #52- Special Announcements

Special Announcements
By Avery
Happy 86th birthday to my neighbor LD! Also good luck to my Aunt Melinda because she is having knee surgery.

Daily Girl #52- Fun Stuff

The Hole Digger
By Marney
My black puppy was digging a deep hole in my backyard. He found a rectangle shaped box of gold. The dog came in barking excited for his owner to come out and see the gold. The owner screamed loud because she didn't know there was gold in her backyard. She used the gold to buy a silver van. She went on a vacation with her dog to Mexico.

Daily Girl #52- The Zoo

The Zoo: Coyotes
By Mason
Coyotes live in North America and Central America. Coyotes adapt well. And can live in tropical places, mountains, forests, deserts, plains and even in cities. Coyotes can curl up in a ball to sleep and can live without shelter. Coyotes can take other dens from other animals.
Coyotes have strong jaws and strong senses for hunting. They are carnivores. They eat birds, deer, sheep, young calves and other small animals. They also eat fruits and grass. Near humans they eat rats and mice, trash and even pets.
Coyotes are mostly night hunters. They are social in small groups and a pair or family, not in packs. Male and female coyotes stay together for many years. The female coyote has 1 to 19 pups one time per year. The coyote can live 10 years in the wild and 18 years in captivity.
Coyotes are the best runners of the canine family. They can run up to 65 km per hour. They can also jump horizontally up to 4 meters.

Daily Girl #52- How The Garden Grows

How The Garden Grows: Composting
By Gabe
It is important to compost. Composting saves the Earth. When you compost you put scraps of food in it so you are not wasting food. The compost makes dirt for our gardens and plants. We use to have it in a garbage can. Now we have it in an open bin and we water it. We also worm compost. The worm's poop is the dirt. The first step in composting is to make a bin. We used wood to make ours. Then you put food scraps in it. Then you put grass and leaves in it. Water it every day. Don't put meat or dairy in it. When it turns to dirt use it for gardening.

Daily Girl #52- Breaking News

Breaking News: Genetically Modified Foods
By Connor
Genetically modified food is food with properties different from what it would regularly have. A very long time ago yeast was the first food that was modified to be able to rise when it was heated. Scientifically genetically modified food was invented in the 1920s in Iowa. American scientists started by moving DNA from one plant to another. They do this so the plant will gain the ability to repel pests and weeds. Some people don't like the idea because it could harm the Monarch Butterfly or the birds or even worse the environment. People also don't like genetically modified plants because they have a risk of being poisonous to humans.
There are a lot of genetically modified foods today. Corn is one of the main crops that have been modified. They have made maize that has been genetically modified to give more corn and keep pests away from it. They have also modified soybeans to keep weeds and bugs away from it. Modified Soybeans were judged okay to eat by the US government. What could be the next vegetable that we modify? It could be any thing from carrots to potatoes.
In the future we will also be eating modified meats. In-vitro meat is going to be created sometime soon. In-vitro meat is going to be much healthier than regular meat. In-vitro meat will stop illnesses like Mad Cow Disease and the Swine Flu. In-vitro meat will be made of different meats like chicken, turkey, beef and pork. The in-vitro meat might taste exactly like regular meat if not better. In-vitro meat will be made in a lab in the same way cloning works. The scientists will only clone the part of the animal that we eat. Technology has come a very long way over the years in modifying food.