Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Daddio: Practice is Important

Yesterday I bowled in my firm's third annual bowling tournament. Before I get into the details of how I did, let me begin by saying that I'm a horrible bowler. In the first tournament, I came in last place with a score of 74. In bowling, a 74 is awful, and because of my low score, I was mocked and ridiculed by my co-workers. Last year, because I switched jobs, I didn't bowl in the tournament.

So in preparation for this year's tournament, two weeks ago I went bowling with some guys from work to see how I'd do. I bowled a 43. A 43. Remember how I said a 74 was awful? Well a 43 is clearly much worse than that. After that experienced, I realized that there were two ways I could go with this: (1) don't practice at all and do really bad, which would be very funny and make everyone laugh; or (2) try to learn some basic pointers and practice more before the tournament. I decided to go with the second option.

So I watched a youtube video with advice for beginning bowlers. It gave basic, simple techniques on how to bowl-- how to hold the ball, how to aim, how to approach the lane, etc. I took this advice and went to practice... a lot. In the two weeks before the tournament, I went bowling four more times, each time bowling two games. The first time I went back, I only bowled a 66, which stunk, but I decided to keep trying. Remembering the basic techniques, my scores kept getting better and better. The last game I bowled before the tournament, I got a 143, my highest score ever-- and 100 points higher than the first practice game!

At the tournament last night, I did pretty well. I bowled a 123. Out of 15 participants, I took 4th. I was really happy with these results.

Practice is important.



We're very proud of you! Do you think the kids could practice their chores a little more and get better at them?


The kids have been practicing their chores for years and it doesn't seem to be helping.


I am so proud of you. You saw a problem and you came up with a great solution. Practice does help with things you want to improve on...the kids don't want to improve on there ability to do chores. So practices doesn't help them. Great job baby...keep it up...love Mom

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