Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mommio: Our Week

With a few changes here's what we really did last week:

- music and art class (our house, with the Weaver's), lake swimming at our house
Tuesday- Six Flags with Nana
Wednesday- absolutely nothing
Thursday- visit at the Shaws, pool swimming
Friday-writing the Daily Girl, baking cookies, family movie night
Saturday- chores, science
Sunday- play games

And here are this weeks plans:

Monday- Hinduism unit study, music and art class with Weavers, lake swimming at our house
Tuesday- Nana Day, Connor and Mason dentist appointments
Wednesday- afternoon school, D&D night
Thursday- bonus Nana Day, Connor 5 tooth extraction
Friday- morning school, Hinduism unit study, family movie night
Saturday- chores, science, game night
Sunday- Be Nice To Mom Day (whatever she wants to do)


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