Saturday, August 29, 2009

Daily Girl #53: Check This Out

My Favorite Buddhist Story
By Avery
For school we have been learning about Buddhism. It is an Indian religion and the main figure is Buddha. We have been reading a lot about Buddha's life. My favorite story is called Angulimala The Robber. Here's the story: There was a robber named Angulimala that also wanted to kill people. He had to kill a certain amount of people and to count how many he has killed he puts their fingers on his necklace. One day he saw Buddha and wanted to kill him! So then he started running after Buddha. But no matter how fast he ran he couldn't catch Buddha, even though Buddha was walking. Angulimala said to Buddha " Stop moving, just stop!" Then Buddha said " I am not the one moving, you are." But Buddha's legs were moving. Then Buddha told him that if he has a calm mind, then he could do all sorts of things. But Angulimala has an angry mind. So then Angulimala calmed down and threw his sword into a ditch and then asked Buddha if he could teach him how to meditate. So then the story was over. This story teaches you that if you have a calm mind and meditate you can accomplish lots of things. I liked this story the most because it is very mysterious and exciting. I love learning about Buddhism.



Good story....I have never heard it will have to tell me more...

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