Monday, May 24, 2010

Mommio: The Medicine

Here's a little pictorial on how to give Connor his medicine through the PICC line. Take the antibiotic out of the fridge 15 minutes before starting. Then after washing hands really well and putting on gloves this is how it goes-
Step 1: Get all your supplies in order.  Open all plastic on syringes.  Get all air bubbles our of each one.  Open alcohol wipes to have ready.
Step 2: Clean IV cap with an alcohol wipe, DO NOT touch it with your gloves, skin, clothing, etc.
Step 3: Open the clip on the IV line.  Push in 4ml of saline, using the "push,pause" technique.  Push little bits at a time.
Step 4: After checking the label on the antibiotic syringe for the correct name and medicine, push in the entire syringe VERY slowly over a 3-5 minute time period.
Step 5: Clean the cap with alcohol again.
Step 6: Push in 4ml of saline again.
Step 7: Push in 2 ml of heparin, to prevent blood clots in the tubing. Close the clip on the line.
Done! Wait 8 hours and repeat.



You guys look very professional and I think you should take your show on the road. Great job guys.

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