Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mommio: The Jones Barn Swallows

Our front porch barn swallow family returned again this year, this is the third year in a row (and the 4th nest) that they have built their mud nest in the same exact spot and raised their babies there.  We love having them visit, despite the constant bird poop on the porch!  Here is a look at their nest this year.
April 1st- The barn swallows return for the year to start building their nest.  Same exact spot as before.
During April- The nest is built and completed and the momma lays the eggs.  We counted four eggs, but were unable to get a good picture of those.
 May 10th- The eggs hatch!  Here are some shots from the next day.  They are still so small that we can't see them well over the edge of the nest.  Only one manages to get its head up there.  At some point during the week one baby fell out (or was kicked out) and died.  This has happened to one baby bird each time they have nested.
 Today- Here are the babies today.  Each time we turn the porch lights on/off they poke their heads up, chirp and open their mouths for food.  We count four there must have been an egg hiding that we didn't see earlier on.
I'll try to get some more shots over the next couple of weeks as the babies grow and start to fly, if we're lucky maybe they will have a second set this year!



Great shots of our little bird family.

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