Friday, February 11, 2011

Gabe: Student of the Week

In school this week I did pretty good on Thursday and Friday, Wednesday I didn't do that good.  I got everything done on my days except for math on Wednesday.
 Joan's Academy
In Joan's Academy I had lots of fun this week because we got to take a lot of art and stuff home.  Here's what I did in my classes on Monday.
English- I was reading Call of the Wild by Jack London.  It is about this dog named Buck.  Buck is the dog of the judge and he got treated real well but then he got taken and sent to the arctic to be a working dog.  I like that story a lot because I like how the main character is a dog.
 I love my avatar project because I get to first, make a picture about my avatar, then I got to make a descriptive paragraph about my avatar and then I got to add two other avatars to start a story, then I made a full three page story about my avatar.  Here is my avatar, Frank the Rainbow Crab and the story.

Frank and His Bad Day
Once there was a rainbow crab named Frank . He had an orange head, green pincers, purple shell and blue feet. He liked to dig really deep in the sand in the water and to grab fish with his pincers. Frank likes a big territory  and he does not like to be around other rainbow crabs.  He eats five pounds of fish a day. Frank is three feet wide and three feet long. He lives on an island in the middle of the ocean called Cuzco Island.  The island is very tropical and hot. There are lots of animals on the island, like birds and reptiles. There are lots of plants on the island, like palms and tropical flowers. There are lots of hurricanes on the island.  Frank likes to dig very deep in the sand to protect himself.  To save his food he buries it in the sand.  He likes to eat small crabs and other shellfish and seaweed.  Things like sharks and piranhas eat him.  Frank’s strengths are that he is really good at digging, hiding and saving his food. He has a hard shell to protect him from sharks.  He is also good at catching small fish in the ocean.  His weaknesses are cold climates and red berries because they are poisonous to him.
    One day Frank was digging and he saw a dog about to eat him. Trex, the dog’s owner, said “No, puppy!” Frank said ”Why did your dog try to eat me?” Then Trex told him his life story.  He came from an island named Cloistland.  He is a fisherman.  But now he is a adventurer trying to become a freedom fighter.  Frank decided to help with his adventuring and fishing because Frank is good at fishing. They have been friends ever since.
A few days later Frank was digging and he hit a big purple bump with a mustache named Harry. The bump said “Ow!  What is your problem?“  Then Frank dug Harry up and then he turned in to a samurai with a sword and said to Frank “Why did you dig me up? I’m just trying to get back to my hive and how I do it is I look for some green glowing because we can glow”.  Then Harry turned into a crab the size  of Frank and said,”And that pinch really hurt! This is what it felt like!“ And then  Harry pinched Frank.  Frank apologized and went up to a tree and cut a coconut down and cracked it open for Harry and gave it to him.  Now they are friends.
Later in the week Trex was fishing with a bamboo fishing pole and organic string. He was using Harry the bump as a bobber on his string because he can shape shift.  Trex also used a big hook so he could catch some kind of big salmon and other giant fish.  While they were fishing Frank was in the ocean digging under the sand and he found a compass. The compass was made of metal on the inside, a bamboo cover on the outside and a bamboo lid.  
Frank was taking the compass up to show it to Trex and harry when he looked up and he saw clouds swirling in circles above him.  Frank goes back up to Trex and shows him the compass and tells him about the weather.  Trex looked up and saw the weather and said,”Oh no, it’s a hurricane!  You better go down into the sand as deep as you can and take your food!
Frank quickly tries to go back under the water to his hole in the sand with his food.  But before he could get there, big giant sharks with black and white spots and orange stripes on their tails jump up at him and try to eat him. Frank’s hard shell protects him from getting hurt by the sharks.
Harry and Trex see him with the sharks and they also see the hurricane is about to hit Frank and the sharks.  Trex jumps into the water and stabs the spotted sharks with his trident that is covered in runes.  While Trex is doing that Harry calls his hive and they all turn into giant purple glowing hurricanes with big, black, bushy mustaches. The hurricanes push away the other giant hurricane and they push the sun back into the sky.
Trex gets Frank and they all go back to land and talk about how exciting the fight was with Trex and the sharks, and Harry’s hive against the giant hurricane.  Then Frank decided he was happy because they were all friends.

Film-  In film class this week we are getting ready to make the film so we just finished making the screen play for our film.  We are also talking about making a prop list but we are doing that next week.  Our film is about a guy named Fred and his friend Jake (I play Jake) and they find a teddy bear and then Jake gets taken over by the demon lord and the demon stuffed animals and then Fred has to go save him from the stuffed animals.  Fred thought he was going to get gold but it was actually goldfish.
Lewis and Clark- In Lewis and Clark class our teacher tried to start the candles with flint and steel wool and a striker.  We talked about animals and how the people had to draw pictures of what the animals were doing.  I drew a picture of three deer.  I used ink.

Art- Art was fun because we got to bring home a lot of stuff and finish our books and brought them home. We started doing 3-D pictures on paper.

Chess- In chess I played against Sierra and it was a long game so I only played one game and then had like twenty minutes left to watch other games.
This week in my multiplication sheet I started my 8s.
 I have done pretty good on my math.  I got a 100 on both my lessons I did this week.  I am learning how to do tenths and hundredths, and writing words with decimals.

I did really good on my grammar this week, I didn't get much wrong.  I only did three days of it so I did pretty good.
In Phonics I got none wrong on one day and one sheet wrong on the other day.  I have been getting harder sheets in phonics because our level in phonics is going up.

In spelling I did really good.  Just like in phonics, I got one whole day right and the other day a few wrong.  Kiki helped us on one day with our spelling.  She knew some of the words in our spelling, like she knew some of the patterns and some of the words.

Reading Comprehension-  This one was fun!  I liked the story with the minotaur because I like how the king is all rude but there's also one person that tries to be a person being fed to the minotaur so that he can kill the minotaur.  I told mom the answers for my questions and I got them all right, like I usually do.

Science- I read this article.  It was about dinosaurs with feathers.  They figured out about this from a fossil from China.  It was a fossil of a dinosaur that I can't pronounce the name of.
 History- I read this webpage about World War I.  I learned that the main people in WWI were the Germans and the United States. 
DEAR (Drop Everything And Read)- I have been liking The Sea of Monsters because it's funny and interesting because of what they did.  The main character is a half blood.
 Just For Fun- I have been reading Angel After the Fall.  I finished it at the end of this week so I am going to give it to dad so he can read it next week.  It had Spike and Angel in it.
 Unit Study
I liked the story where Mimir took Odin's eye and put it in the Well of Wisdom.  In unit study we first make pictures if we are not doing anything else, but also there is an illustrator and an author for each story.

Other Stuff
Witte Museum- I was in the wheelchair the whole time at the Witte Museum because I hurt my foot the day before we went.  I would have expected more at the Witte Museum because it was not everything I expected.  The Witte Museum had a lot of floors in it.  One of the floors had nothing on it.
Art Class- In art class we were doing reverse prints.  We made up our own animal because we were studying Durer and he made a print of a rhinoceros but he had never seen one.  It looked pretty close to a normal one. 

Magnetic Mosaics- I had fun making a parrot with the new magnetic mosaics.



You work hard in school and do very good work. Great report on what you do...I love reading about your week and all the many things you do. Thanks for sharing with me.

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