Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mommio: Blog Of The Day

So I thought I would update the resolution progress for myself and the two little toes also.  Let's see... 
Jack has not decided to start using the potty yet.  The only progress I can report is that he likes to say the words "pee" and "poop" a lot- so at least he knows what it is. 
Max is definitely not wearing pullups at night, and I know this because I am currently washing sheets.  But the good news is that he has had two dry nights so far and he is really trying.  He is working on his name too and can almost write it.  The ABC's are not happening yet.  But he did achieve another goal that we didn't even mention- he is finally putting on his own shoes and socks- great job Max!
Mom...well, I am taking very small baby steps towards my goals.  We do have an entire year to reach them.  So I have changed one thing I am doing to be healthier- I am eating breakfast every day, and it really does help me to snack less the rest of the day.  Next week I am planning to add drinking more water to my plan.  As far as helping the family get healthier- I have been trying to make healthier meals during the week (Monday it was teriyaki chicken, brown rice and spinach salad, last night was low-fat meatloaf, mashed sweet potatoes and green beans, and tonight it is eggs, peanut butter toast and fruit salad).  I will keep that up and I also plan to try to use something from our CSA veggies or our own garden every single night.  And I am working with the kids to create a month long healthier menu plan.  More focus on exercise to come later!


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