Friday, February 25, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

The Canyon Of Death
By: Connor M. Jones (Mimir)

One fine day in the grand Canyon James was practicing karate.  Meanwhile an army of skeletons were preparing an attack.  The skeletons were commanded by a powerful deity known as Hades.  Hades screamed to his army "Now we make our attack on the living!  You will all be rewarded with an honorable place in my realm."  With that the few demons went up to check the soon to be battlefield.  They saw James preparing to jump off a cliff to reach the other side of a small gap.  The demons decided to make it more interesting by adding spikes to the small pit.  James saw the spikes and continued to try the jump.  James loved the thrill of danger and would never let danger stop him.  He made the jump and landed safely on the other side.  The demons were sure that he would cause no problem for the army and went back to tell Hades that everything was good.  Hades listened to the demons and then said "Now my army take over the land of the living!  While you do that I must slay my two brothers!"  The skeletons headed for the land of the living.  After what to them seemed like a few hours of walking they reached it.  The skeleton army looked around and noticed they were at the Grand Canyon.  James had now moved on to the Grand Canyon after all those practice jumps and noticed the army of the dead behind him.  He started trying to use his karate chop, but he didn't learn that yet.  While he was busy fighting the army the demons placed some giant spikes in the Grand Canyon.  James knew he wouldn't be able to fight the skeletons without dying so he ran and attempted to jump across the canyon.  The skeletons charged after him, nut stopped abruptly out of fear of the river and spikes.  James jumped and instead of reaching the other side he started falling.  He heard a voice in his head.  A rough voice full of hatred had started to speak to him.  It said "You really thought you'd make that jump!? HA you really are a foolish mortal It was a pleasure to watch you DIE!"  The voice started singing "I'm on a highway to hell."  The skeletons all started dancing as Hades yelled "Okay we failed to take control.  On the plus side we have a new minion!  Say hello with a capital HELL to James."  With that James feels his body turn to nothing but bone.  James had become a skeleton forever.  As he realized Hades was right he started dancing as well.  James also noticed that he had no control over his body any more.   Hades had taken control of something although it wasn't entirely what he wanted.  James was in fact on the highway to hell which is paved with the flesh of the dead.  The End


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