Thursday, February 17, 2011

Daddio: 2/17/11 Blog of the Day

For today's blog of the day, I want you to write an alphabet poem.  And alphabet poem doesn't have to use any type of rhyme scheme or cadence, but each line of the poem has to begin with a letter of the alphabet-- in order of the alphabet.  In other words, the first line has to being with "A," the second line has to begin with "B," and so on.  Your poem can be about anything you want, but it has to follow the pattern, and you have to go to at least the letter "F."  But you will get bonus points if you can go all the way through the alphabet.

Here's an example of a short alphabet poem:

A young girl was busy working on her project for school
But suddenly she had a question.
Could this be her lucky day?
Deciding to find out, she
Entered her backyard and
Found  hundreds of green shamrocks waiting for her.


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