Friday, September 10, 2010

Connor: Blog Of The Day

The Strange School
By Connor
I hop out of Van Go only to find that the school looks empty.  I enter the school and look around, on every wall I see a spider web, on every door there's a skeleton.  Some of these skeletons don't even look human, there are canine skeletons, small humanoid lizard like skeletons and other things that are rather creepy.  As I walk to class I hear a deep growling voice "Turn back or die." says the voice, which I assume is coming from the intercom.  I walk into the history classroom only to find a bat at the desk.  I look around and there are no other students. I take a seat near the front of the room.  The moment I do so the other students walk in and the teacher appears out of nowhere, wearing a cape, and surprisingly at the same moment the bat is gone.  I use my knowledge of monster movies to find out that my teacher is apparently a vampire.  After class I bump into Chase who now has a beard, he looks creepy and taller than usual.  I ask him what's up. All he can say is "the history teacher".  The moment he says this I look up  and notice the history teacher flying and gripping his cape.  I look at Chase, now he looks weirder.  I decide that I should probably get to English class and the teacher doesn't look strange, but  suddenly I notice that she is staring at me and I can't move.  My mind jumps to thoughts of Hamlet and she stops staring.  Strange thing is, after she started talking one of the other students told me to focus on her nose.  Suddenly on her nose a boil appears and she starts saying some strange words that I'm pretty sure weren't in Hamlet.  That class over with, I find myself wandering around the school.  Next thing I know I am in the cafeteria and about to eat my lunch when the vampire teacher asks to sit next to me.  I am very reluctant to have a vampire sit next to me, but in the end I agree.  Mr. Imp was his name, I wonder if this was short for Impaler.  He talks to me about history, which I'm sure he knows a lot about, next thing I know he bites me, I knew I shouldn't have trusted this guy. Within a few seconds I am a vampire, this is great, I love sleeping in and now I have a reason to.  I grab an umbrella. It says for vampires only on the container.  I see Chase again in the halls and ask him why he has fur. He looks at me in that "you're crazy" kind of way.  I grab a mirror which I can't see myself in anyway and hand it to him.  "Holy Cow" he shouts "I'm a werewolf."  I decide to keep flying until I reach the film room and wouldn't you know it,  the teacher is a man of few words and one of those words is "Ruh." I notice he has a scar on his neck, arms, hands and forehead.  He is Frankenstein's monster.  I see a few ghosts in the class.  I go around the school and eventually walk into the principal's office only to find that the principal is a dragon and a big one at that. Now that I have seen everything in school and gone to all my classes. I head home, of course using the umbrella to shade me from the sunlight because I would hate to turn to dust. THE END OR IS IT?



Great school....can Popo and I come to Parents Night at your school and meet all your teachers? This sounds like a very interesting school.

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