Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mason: Blog Of The Day

I think that the Alice in Wonderland book, play and movie are kind of the same and kind of different. The Cheshire Cat is in all three, but he looks different. In the play he kind of looked like he was made out of paper.  In the movie he kind of looked like he was colorful.  Alice is grown up in the movie but not in the play and book. The Mad Hatter in the movie is different than the one in the play because he just looks different. In the movie he is kind of scary in 3D.  He wasn't scary in the play or the book.  All three have the tea party in them, but each tea party was a bit different.  I liked the movie best because it was in 3D and it was so great to see it because I was with Nana and everyone else.


The Jones Family

Nana says...
Good job on noticing the things that were alike and different about the Alices...but I liked the 3D better too...I like going to movies with you.

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