Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Avery: Blog Of The Day

March 21, 2010
Dear Eddie,
A horrible thing happened to me on Sunday. There was an explosion from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano! It was so bad. It was only a little explosion, but our house is on the volcano. Well, it was. The volcano flooded over our house. Right when we saw the lava we ran out of the house and to the main town. We had to run because we didn't have enough money to afford a little car. But the even worse part is that my little brother Charlie fell out of his stroller and we think that the lava got him. In the newspaper it said that no one died but some got hurt. Now we are stranded on a little island. The lava was so hot that it melted a lot of the snow on the mountains and flooded a little bit. So now we are stuck on the little island. My mom has been freaking out a lot now that she can't drink her coffee in the mornings and instead she has to drink a lot of water and coconut milk from the coconuts that we pull down from trees. My dad and I made a little shelter with giant tree leaves and bamboo. We also used some mud so that we know the shelter will hold together. In the afternoons when the current in the water is fast my mom looks to see if Charlie is going to flow by us. I told her that she should stop worrying and that the police will find him someday. After I told her that she calmed down a little bit and started talking about what we are going to do when we get off the island. She said that we should move to somewhere that has only a little snow and NO volcanoes. She said it would be fine if it had only 7% of snow. I wish we lived in the time when they elected a woman for their chief, because there was no big explosions. Did you know that when my dad heard about people who hunted whales he started sitting at the edge of the island waiting for a whale to come by? I don't want him to eat a whale. They are so cute! You know what? I am just glad that there is no lava or lava rocks on this little island. Did you know that the ash from the volcano is a good thing to use when cleaning? This morning my mom told me that she wants to live on a mountain that is 30,000 ft tall. Well, I was thinking that we could make this island our new home. We could make a shelter out of trees and when stuff flows past us in the river we could take it out of the water and use it for whatever we want. I will be here for a few years, so if you want to live with us for a month or two you could fly over here in an airplane and have fun with us. If you want you could ask your parents if you could come over to the island and live with us forever. Please write back.
Your BFF,
P.S- Look at the drawing of our shelter we made. It looks just like my drawing. But it is way bigger than it is in the drawing.



You rock...great story...sorry about the missing baby but great detail.

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