Thursday, March 18, 2010

Gabe: Blog Of The Day

I think the book and the movie were pretty much the same, except that she was a grown up in the movie.  The play was made for little kids so it didn't show all of it.  The play and movie and book were a little the same, like how Alice chased the white rabbit and how they had the raven and the writing desk riddle at the tea party.  How they were different is the play left out a bunch of stuff because it was shorter for little kids.  The movie had a big monster that Alice rode.  The book was different because she never got put in a the pot like she did in the movie.  The play and the movie both were different from the book because they had Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum in it because they were doing both the first and the second book. I liked the movie the best because it had all the things in it and it was a little scary.  I liked how it added all these beasts and I liked the animation of the card knights.


The Jones Family

Nana says...
It always makes a good story if there is a beast or two in it. Great comparison...

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