Thursday, March 25, 2010

Avery: Blog Of The Day

Two Sides Of The Story
 By Avery
     Hi, my name is Lora Joe. I am the one who got kicked in the butt by that little sculpture. You would not like the reason she did it. Here, let me tell you the story.  One day I ran into my store and it was all messed up. I looked around to see if there were any clues to see who it was that did it. But all I found was writing on the wall that was upside down and backwards. I thought it said Lulu Higenbottom. I wonder whose name that was. 
     "Hello, is anyone here? Well, I guess not.", I said as I looked around.
     I started picking up some clothes off the floor and putting them back on hangers. Then I started to wipe all the writing off of the wall. I really had to clean up the place, because my boss is coming to see how business is going. Suddenly another one of the employees came in (I am the first one and she was the second one).
     "Hey Stacey, come over here and help me clean up this mess, please!"
     "Sure, but why are you in such a rush to clean up the place? I mean, isn't it a Sunday, the day where everyone comes here to get summer clothes?"
     "Yes it is Sunday and I am rushing because our boss is coming over to check on the store!"
     " Oh then I will start helping right away!", said Stacey as if she was a super hero with a deep voice.
     After an hour we were all done cleaning up and all we had to do was put outfits on our plastic models. I got out a box of outfits and then put them on the floor. I found a pink outfit with dark blue jeans to put on my model. My model did not want to wear pink so she kicked me in the butt! I thought that she was angry about pink because she is usually wearing orange, green, blue and red.  So that is the story about the butt kicking doll.
     "No it's not! I know the real story.", said a voice.
     " Oh no! It's the model that kicked me in the bootty."
     The model told me her side of the story.
     "One day you came into the store and picked up the mess I made in the store. I made the mess because you made me wear a scarf last week. I was so mad that I would actuly make that mess. So when you bent down to get the pink clothes I saw a bug on your butt and kicked it off. That is the real story."
     " You are both wrong.", said another voice.
     " Stacey what are you doing here? You didn't see anything at all!"
     " You are wrong about that. I did see everything. I got down our store camera and watched everything that is on it and saw why she was kicking you.  One day  you went into the store and picked up the mess that two year old babies made. You called me in and told me to start putting things up. Then when we put the outfits on our models she kicked you because the kids set her up in a kicking position. There is the true story. If you guys don't believe me you can watch the tape if you like."
The End



Way to much detail. Loved the story.

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