Monday, March 22, 2010

Avery: Blog Of The Day

September 26, 2001 Gabe was born in Austin, Texas. He was a pretty cute baby. His mom is Jenifer Jones and his dad's name is Kyle Jones. When his mom brought him home to Connor, Mason and I the other kids were not born yet. Right when they got home Nana opened the door and we all saw him. We all held him, fed him and tried to play with him. Later in his life Marney was born and he was finally a big brother. When he was a big brother he was so happy about it. Then when he turned  two he was a big boy. He could say a lot of words, walk, eat real food and he could really play with us! A few years later two more kids were born, Kiki and Max . By then Gabe was about seven years old. A few months After Max was born we moved out and Gabe had a new house in Marble Falls. His room was small but he still loved it. The part he did not like was that the girls slept in the room across from his. One day when he was about six he started doing math, grammar, reading chapter books and phonics. Gabe never went to public school, he just started home school when he was about five. When he was seven Jack was born and he was an even bigger brother! Also when he was seven he joined gymnastics. He was so happy when learned that he could hold himself upside down on the rings. Now he is eight years old and he can do harder school, do some chores, say all words and knows a lot of stuff including archery.



You found lots of great pictures and I think you are right...he likes being a big brother best of all. Good job.

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