Friday, March 12, 2010

Avery: Blog Of The Day

 The Stupid Aliens
 By Avery

     One day some aliens came to earth. They were all slimy, green and gross looking.
     "We are now on earth, master. What can we do now?", asked one of the aliens.
     "You need to go to the Martin's house and make them our minions. Go, I say, go now.", yelled their master.
     Then all the aliens sat down in the green, fresh, grass and talked about how they will trap the Martins.
     "I think that we could use our mind control powers. Then we could tell them that we are their master and that they work for us.", said number two.
     "No! That is too easy to do. Maybe we could knock them out with a baseball bat and carry them on to our ship.", said number five.
     "We all want to do numer two's idea.", yelled all the other aliens.
     So then they all got up and ran to the Martin's house and they found out that the Martins were asleep. The bad thing was that they couldn't use their mind control powers if they were asleep.
     "Wake up, Martins, it is time for breakfast.", said number 16.
     He tried to do his impression of their Mom. All the Martins woke up and ran to the kitchen table. They all started talking while they ate eggs.
     "Please pass the taco sauce", asked their mom.
     "Here you go. So what are we going to do today?", asked the dad.
     Suddenly the aliens used their mind control powers and told them to go on their ship. So then all the Martins ran to the giant flying saucer. The flying saucer was green and gray on the outside and on the inside it was all pink. The Martins sat down in the ship and weren't being mind controlled anymore.
     "Hello", said the Martins.
     "Hi and welcome to our ship. It will take a while to get to Pluto. But we will be in space so you should put on these space suites.", said number 10 in a Spanish accent.
     "Okay. Will we have to die soon?", asked the youngest Martin.
     "Of course you will. Oh...we are at Pluto. You may now step out of the ship.", said number two.
     The Martins stepped out of the ship and looked around for a little while. The aliens came out of the ship with straws and took the Martin's helmets off. Then they put the straws on their heads and started sucking on the straw.
     "What are you doing? We are just like you. You can not eat our brains.", said the dad
     "What do you mean?", asked number five.
     The the Martins took off their human costumes and they were actuly aliens too.
     "I did not see that coming.", said all the aliens as the fainted.
The End



I did not see that coming either. Great surprise ending...


I like your blog Ava. I think you did a good job on writing your blog.

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