Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mommio: Back To Our Week

So we had a few hitches in the plan last week....first of all on Monday Daddio found out at his doctor appointment that something was very wrong from his last surgery, Tuesday Daddio and I spent a very long, frustrating day at Seton hospital in Austin where they did some tests, discovered he has an internal infection and inserted a drainage tube into his body. Wednesday we had a little fun at our homeschool Valentine's party in the morning and then took care of Daddio.  Thursday I taught him how to flush his own bag of puss (see earlier post) and that night Marney's right ear was swollen and the skin was covering the front of her earring so in to Urgent Care we went where they cut  a big hole in the back of her ear and put her on antibiotics after I kindly handed them $300.  Later that night I got a call from Grandpa Toe letting me know that my Granny (who is almost 90 and lives in a nursing home in St. Louis) was in ICU and most likely was not going to make it through the night. Friday Nana Toe got bronchitis.  The weekend was pretty much a blur of sick people and exhaustion, oh yeah, and the Super Bowl. 
Despite that not-so-fabulous week things are already starting to look up for this week.  Nana is feeling (and sounding) much better.  Marney's ear looks so great that we were even able to put the earring back in yesterday morning.  Granny made it not only through the night, but out of ICU in time to watch the Super Bowl and we think she will even be making it back to the nursing home. And Kyle's doctor told us just yesterday that he is doing great, although he does still have to keep the drainage bag in and stay home until his check up next Wednesday.  He is super tired and not feeling too well, but out of pain completely and going to start working at home today as much as he can tolerate.  So...here is the plan for this week (and we are sticking to it!) starting with today:
T- Nana Day, Connor orthodontic appointment, Wii Night for Connor and Mason with friends
W- school at Weaver's Bottom (art- more murals at the kid's request, music- recorder, voice, keyboard, drama- beginning to work on a group production of The Gingerbread Man play, book club- Sounder and shadow puppets)
T- morning school, Poe Unit Study (re-introduction and The Raven), Avery and Gabe yoga, Connor and Mason Teen Library League
F- house chores, morning school, Poe Unit Study (more on The Raven), park and cooking with Lily and Elder, family movie night
S- yard chores (cleaning up the garden for spring planting, pruning some trees, making some plans), Mason archery with Nana
S- pajama day



You are doing a great job Mommio Toe.

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