Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mommio: Blog Of The Day

First, I think the answers the kids are giving are very interesting.  None of them (except Connor and Mason) have any experience with public school so their perspective is all unique to not knowing what kids do all day when they are not homeschooling.  They seem to all be saying that homeschool is easy and that's why it is better...and actually they are partially right.

Learning in a homeschool setting is easier for most kids because they are able to get an individual education.  They don't have to wait for other kids to catch up, or worry if the aren't catching on to something as quickly as their classmates.  If they are stuck on something they can take all the time they need reviewing it or trying many other approaches to learning it.  If they need a break, they take one. They are able to teach each other.  They don't have to spend so much actual time doing "school work"...but at the same time they are able to use everything we do throughout the day as an educational experience so there is far less wasted time than in a public school setting.  I know for a fact that for Connor and Mason, who spent many years in public school, learning at home has been "easier".  Mason is able to learn at his own pace and not feel pressured by the pace of classmates.  Not feeling "stupid" like he used to in class goes a long way towards making learning easier.  For Connor it is easier because he is more able to set his own schedule and he is also allowed to follow his interests.  In school he was very frustrated because he wanted to learn more about particular subjects and they never had time.  Now he reads history for fun and when he comes across something new that he is interested in he has the time and resources to learn more about it.

The other thing the kids are universally saying about why they think homeschooling is better is that they get to spend time with their family.  Even though that seems obvious, it is such a great answer!  In our country we are always hearing about how we all need better "family values" but people are too busy in their daily lives to really even spend time with the people they live with, there is no way to work towards family values if there is never family time.  Parents and children spend more time apart than they do together.  Kids are at school far more hours in a day than they are with relatives.  And when kids are at school with their siblings they still spend no time together since they are segregated by age for then entire day.  After school sports and other activities keep this trend going.  Everything is about each individual, never about the family.  I know that it is a great luxury that I am able to stay home with the kids...but it is one of the most positive things about homeschooling.  Our kids know each other, and Kyle and I are able to know them each in ways that we never would have.  If they were in public school each going their separate ways every day all of our relationships would be very different.

Obviously President Obama, and others who have not been exposed to homeschooling, would need to take some time just experiencing it before they could see the benefits.  Every family does it a different way.  It's also not for everyone.  But when done well, homeschooling has all the advantages of an individualized education that public school teachers are always wishing they had the time to give to their own students.



I was just about to say that....

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