Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mommio: Daddio Can't Type

Still at the hospital...they did another CT scan with aspiration (pulled out some stuff with a big needle).  The radiologist thinks it looks like there was just some old blood trapped in an air pocket and that the pocket collapsed when it was poked with the needle.  Now we wait until Monday for the blood results to see if there is any infection, but it looks like there is not.  Yipee!  Daddio toe is in some pain though from the needle and all the poking they did.  He tried to blog himself but the IV is hurting him if he tries to type.  He needs to take it easy  and start a new antibiotic for a few days until we see the doctor again on Monday- in case it is a new infection.  So, now we are in recovery for a few hours and then on our way home...feeling pretty relieved and optimistic.  Here's Daddio in recovery, finally getting to eat for the first time today.


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