Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 Vacation: Day 1.5

In the afternoon, we went down to the beach again, this time dressed more warmly in jackets.

The kids had fun standing right on the water line and then when a particularly big wave came, they tried to outrun it.

Here's our attempt at an artsy album cover. It didn't turn out quite like I wanted, but it does have the kind of angsty, self-important feel I was going for.

While Jen was making dinner (breakfast tacos!) I solidified my title as Greatest Dad Ever by making balloon animals for all the kids. Here's a doogie I made:

And here's a flower:

After dinner we settled down to play D&D:

We got a few hours in, but this one didn't get enough sleep, so we stopped early. We're playing again tonight:

I got to use my combat pad! It was totally awesome!



What beautiful pictures of the ocean. And what a talent...you could be a hit at kids parties with those great balloon animals. I love hearing the day to day of this vacation...please keep the blog blogging.


Hey Jones family! Hope you had fun at Kittyhawk and learned a bunch of stuff. We took down the Christmas decorations today and are trying to fill up the time staying indoors because it is SLEETING! We were going to go visit your Nana and Popo today but are afraid that there are too many bad drivers trying to drive on the icy roads between Kingsland and Marble Falls. So, once again it looks like we are postponing the trip there. Don't boil your brains too much in that hot tub. - Hmmm....makes me crave lobster just looking at that picture.

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