Saturday, December 26, 2009

2009 Roadtrip: Update #3.5

To kill time since the last update, Gabe and I played Lost Worlds. He was the Man With Scimitar and Dagger and I was Woman With Quarterstaff. It was a good match, but then he end up parrying me twice and jabbing me in the chest with the dagger. It was a brilliant death and he was elated over the victory:
After more than five hours, we finally made it OUT OF TEXAS! That's right! We crossed the boarder into Louisiana, home of a bunch of casinos and an awful stench that I'm pretty sure is a paper mill, but smells exactly like Jack's poopy diaper (no kidding, we were convinced he pooped really bad and we were going to have to stop to change him). Here's the official boarder crossing:

Hey, look at that! Louisiana set up a whole center just to welcome us! Due to our long-standing fear of cajuns, we didn't stop:
Max and Jack were clearly elated with our progress, or maybe it's just that they ate some candy they got from Santa:

Kiki was less enthusiastic:

Travel note: roads in Lousiana- worst ever. Here's a cool shot of the bridge we had to cross as we approached Lake Charles, Louisiana:

And here's a shot of Lake Charles from the top of the bridge:

Pretty cool, eh?



Very cool...we always loved pistol bridge. Do you remember it from when you were a kid?

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