Monday, December 7, 2009

Marney: Fishing Story-The End

Carmen and her dad went fishing at the lake.  When Carmen pulled in her hook and line she saw a shark!  The shark was super big and Carmen ate it all.  Carmen loved to eat shark and her dad loved to eat shark because it was meat. The next day Carmen and her dad went fishing again in the ocean.  Carmen caught a minnow that was one inch long and blue.  Then Carmen's dog, Ribbon, ate the minnow.  Then Carmen fell into the yucky water.  Carmen never got found because she was in the water.  So the dog jumped into the water and swam to the end of the ocean.  The dog found Carmen at the end of the ocean on the grass.  And they lived happily ever after.
The End



What a good story. I am so glad the dog found Carmen and they lived happily ever after.

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