Saturday, December 26, 2009

2009 Roadtrip: Update #6.5

We're out of Mississippi and finally in the state we'll be staying in tonight: Alambama!

And because every female in the car had to pee simultaneously, we actually stopped at Alabama's welcome center:

After being in the car for 11 hours, the kids needed to stretch their legs. Max can hardly walk:

I made the kids pose in front of this sign. Alabama is only beautiful when my kids are in the picture. Otherwise it's normally hot and sweaty.

The kids were clearly going stir crazy. The boys all decided to hug this rocket in a single concerted action. It was very hive-mind of them:

Oh wait! That's  a giant artillery shell, as the plaque on the side explained:

Enough fun stuff. Time to get back in the car. The verdict is in on the bathrooms... they were as beautiful as the sign said Alabama was!

We're due in Montgomery in about three hours. I'll probably be too tired then to post up another update. So this is probably it for today. Tomorrow- from Alabama to North Carolina!



Sounds like you had a great day. Get a good nights rest and have another good day tomorrow. Hope to read you all day you 10...have fun, fun, fun.

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