Sunday, December 27, 2009

2009 Roadtrip: Update #9.5

We hit the road at 5:10 am again! There was very little sleep last night. A restless Max slept in the bed with Jen and I. He's a very active sleeper-- at one point, while I was sleeping on my back, he stood up on the bed next to me and flopped down straight on my chest and immediately fell back asleep. At another point he kicked me as hard as he could (still while asleep) right in my incision.

But that's all behind us now! And as we filled up with gas before leaving town, you can tell that I'm as full of energy and excitement as I was yesterday:

One major change in the seating arrangements for today's trip. Because it was hurting my hernia incision to be twisting and stretching to hand snacks, games and other stuff to the kids in the back, we moved Ava up to sit between the two babies. She was happy because of the squabbling with Gabe from the day before. As you can see, she's doing a bang up job:

We just crossed the boarder into Georgia and, in the town of West Point, saw the giant Kia Motors Plant:

With its own water tower:



Sorry you guys didn't get any sleep last night. Hope the kick didn't do any damage. Looks like the kids are pretty tired too. This is one long hard trip but I bet the beach will be worth it.


Hey Kyle- I just read the part about the incision hits to Pete (who has had 2 hernia surgeries) and he groaned out load in sympathy!!
Sorry y'all missed the party but glad you are feeling better.

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