Sunday, September 12, 2010

Gabe: Family Meeting Minutes

1 Good job working in the garden guys. I loved how it looked.
2 We are starting to get baskets of fruit and vegetable from CSA.
3 Next weekend we will go to Corpus Christi for my birthday !
4 Congratulations, dad is finishing his second part of his book.
5 Nana is going away to Blisswood for the week.
6 Lily might stay with Tony in California.
7 You need to not crumple up paper for paper recycle.
*( If you read this comment and say your favorite part )
8 Only pull out one towel or napkin.
9 Here is who blogged Mr || A || G | C | K | .
10 Everybody except Max and Jack can't sit on mom.
11 Everybody did bad on their pay chores.
12 No more demanding Nana or Popo to do stuff.
13 We are going to make our new Hunter and Grim characters.
14 Dads ring worm is getting better.



I liked writing


Good to hear about Daddio's ringworm. My favorite part is that Daddio's book part 2 is finished. Good job on writing the minutes Gabe. I will miss you all this week...


My favorite part are the ones about ME!


that is good for dad


Great work Gabe!


I can't wait to make Grimm characters. I loved reading about how Daddio is feeling better. Nice Job Gabe and Smell Ya Later.


I am so excited that Connor is going to be a dungeon master in Grimm he will do a good job

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