Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mommio: Art Class- Constructed Sculpture

We finally returned to our art lessons using the Artistic Pursuits curriculum and today's lesson was about building a constructed sculpture.  To learn about this we took a look at one of the most famous constructed sculptures in the world, The Statue of Liberty.
The Statue of Liberty was built in the mid-1800's by French Impressionist sculptor Frederic-August Bartholdi and was presented as a gift from France to America on the 100th birthday of American Independence in 1876.
Bartholdi used an interior steel framework (or armature) covered with sheets of copper to make the exterior sculpture.  Copper sheets are a soft form of metal so they can be easily molded.  But they are too light to hold themselves up so the armature was needed.Today the kids practiced this same principal by making paper mache sculptures of people.  The paper strips are like the copper sheets, not strong enough to hold themselves up but easily shaped.  For the armature the kids used toilet paper tubes, making a stronger structure.First they cut a head shape out of the top of one toilet paper tube.  Then they connected the two tubes together to create height for their sculpture.  

Next they rolled some dry newspaper into tubes for the arms and connected them to the top tube using masking tape.

Then it was time for the paper mache!  Messy and lots of fun- just mix some flour and warm water together to make the glue, cut strips of newspaper, dip them in the glue and apply them to the sculpture until it is completely covered.

Our art book had a great tip for impatient kids- instead of waiting days for these to dry we just put them each in the microwave for a few minutes and they came out dry and hard as a rock.  Caution though, a few of them were cooked a little long and were smoking when we pulled them out.

The kids applied an undercoat of gesso to their sculptures.

And when that was dry they got very creative with the acrylic paints.

They added finishing touches, including crumpled tissue paper for hair.  Here they are- loved this project!


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